HGH Precursors

HGH Precursors

What these products actually provide you with is not in fact HGH, but the chemical 'precursors' to allow your body to manufacture more of it. Although the ultra-rich have for decades received actual HGH injections, this is extraordinarily expansive in every way, and not within the price range of most of us.

Then what are these 'precursors'?
They are proteins mainly, or amino acids that help the human pituitary gland create the hormone -   HGH. These basic building blocks are what you need to give your body as much of as it as what's properly possible, as well as providing the correct internal body environment (through sleep, exercise, and good eating habits) that will result in creation of more of this hormone.

While science is still catching up to discover what level these hormones play in keeping you young, it is clear that providing the building blocks is a step in the right direction.

HGH precursors have a greater effect the younger the person is, so starting right away with a supplementation plan is key, if you are interested in achieving these effects.

As to what these proteins actually are, read on!
Three of the most effective precursors include Ornithine, Glutamine, and Arginine, which are all types of "L" amino acids. Two of these, namely Arginine and Ornithine became known for their involvement in Growth Hormone production in a life extension book that appeared in 1987. As valuable additions to fat-loss and muscle development (body-building in this case), these two protein precursors have been given credit as significant parts of any hormone supplementation program.

One of the more common proteins in the human body, Glutamine has a great effect on HGH production. In medical trials, an increase in daily intake of Glutamine (just 2 grams) had effects in some of the test subjects that gave them over 400% more HGH measured in their blood stream – now that's a big increase!

Clinicaly approved research still has a long way to go before there is absolute proof through the federal science channels (as from the labs themselves), but as of right now, there ARE enough cases to prove that products like hgh are not only worth looking into, but worth the chance of them actually working for you. Think about it... how much is your youth worth?

written by ?????????

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