AICAR, an amide-conjugated nucleoside



AICAR, an amide-conjugated nucleoside, is an analog of adenosine. The international nonproprietary name (INN) of AICAR is acadesine; the full unabbreviated name is 5-Amino-1-(5-O-phosphono-ß-D-ribofuranosyl)-1H-imidazole-4-carboxamide (Chemspider aicar entry. (n.d.), and it is variously referred to as AICA riboside, AICA ribonucleotide, Z-nucleotide, and ZMP (however, it should be noted that ZMP specifically refers to the phosphorylated form – AICA riboside monophosphate – that is converted within cells after administration of AICAR). Its actions are primarily mediated by selective AMPK activation as well as conversion into factors that also act on AMPK.

AMPK: The key to understanding AICAR

In seeking to understand AICAR, researchers are well-served by first understanding AMPK. AMPK, long known to play a role in cellular energy-switching from use of ATP to ADP and AMP as an energy-transfer substrate, has recently (within the past decade) been shown to act as a cellular as well as whole-body energy “sensor” that plays an active and intriguing role in many systemic processes, and of which dysregulation contributes to many disease states.
Because AICAR induces AMPK signaling through a relatively direct pathway, is used in many studies to study and better understand AMPK itself. At the time of writing (2012), however, there are vastly more published inquiries into AMPK than of AICAR specifically; since AICAR’s effects are similar (or identical to) AMPK, it is possible to better AICAR by closely reviewing AMPK studies to infer AICAR’s effects.

AICAR therapeutic uses

The actions of AICAR vary greatly by method of administration, duration of application, and dosage. Administration of exogenous AICAR orally or by injection shows promise for a plethora of medical problems and disease states: ischemia, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and even aging may be addressed to varying degrees by use of AICAR as a drug (Salminen et al).

Lifestyle factors such as overeating or under-exercising appear to initiate a cascade of pathological events that are mediated by altered AMPK signaling; AMPK expression is associated with exercise and periods of not eating. Other genetic factors also predispose individuals to AMPK dysregulation. Eventual effects of AMPK dysregulation – such as obesity, diabetes, even Alzheimer’s disease – can be treated or even partially reversed by AICAR-induced AMPK expression, whereas diet or exercise may not exert a major effect past an early or undetectable point in the pathology.
Currently, AICAR (under the INN acadesine) is in use as a myoprotective agent: when applied, it protects the heart against myocardial reperfusion (re-introduction of blood-flow) after ischemia (restriction of blood-flow, either acutely or chronically. It is also being researched for treatment of lymphoma.
AMPK acts in nearly all tissues of the body, both as a local cellular energy balance signal and sensor – controlling energy-in versus energy-out pathways in response to changes in other cellular factors and available energy – and as a systemic controller of metabolic state and other non-metabolic processes. AMPK also acts as an important bridge between cellular and peripheral tissue energy regulation and systemic energy regulation. AMPK acts within the master control switch of the body, the hypothalamus, as well as in nearly all types of cells.

Research uses of AICAR peptides

AICAR is useful in researching the purine synthesis pathways and their downstream effects to better interpret biomarkers for different disease states. Most cancer cells rely on the de novo purine synthesis pathway, while normal cells prefer the salvage pathway; many chemotherapeutic drugs inhibit purine synthesis. A better understanding of these differences between cancer cells and normal cells should lead to more-selective less-toxic chemotherapy drugs, as well as better ability to tailor therapies to individuals via improved understanding of biomarkers related to purine synthesis inhibition in various cell types (Boccalatte et al, 2009).

AICAR, AMPK, and purine synthesis pathways

Endogenous AICAR also exists in cells; it is an intermediate in the de novo purine nucleotide synthesis pathway, specifically in the generation of inosine monophosphate (IMP), from which adenosine monophosphate and adenosine triphosphate are generated (Berg et al, 2002). However, as an exogenous AMPK-activator, AICAR does not disrupt AMP-to-ATP ratios within cells. A few of the effects of AICAR administration such as induction of apoptosis in cultured immortalized T-cell lymphocytes, do not involve activation of AMPK (López et al, 2003).
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) acts within the human body as an energy transfer molecule within cells. It is an unstable molecule with high-energy phosphate bonds; when the bonds are “broken” via hydrolysis, the released energy is utilized within cells to do work. ATP breaks down into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and phosphate. ADP can be further hydrolyzed into AMP (adenosine monophosphate) to release more energy. Shifts in the ratio of ATP to AMP correlate with energy balance; a lower ratio means that less energy is available and/or ATP demand is high due to exercise demand. AMPK inhibits energy- consuming pathways such as protein synthesis and fatty acid synthesis, and upregulates energy-generating pathways such as fatty acid oxidation and glucose transport.
AMPK expression changes according to ATP-to-AMP (and ADP) ratios, which fluctuate according to energy availability. AMPK expression or absence then exerts an appropriate effect according to energy availability: energy storage in times of surplus, energy usage in times of scarcity.

Roles of AMPK signaling in various physiological systems and states

In 2008 AICAR research at the Salk institute in San Diego, California generated headlines like the LA Times article “’Exercise Pill could take the work out of workouts.” The portrayal as a pill can mimic exercise has intrigued the public, despite some factual errors (Bamford et al write “AICAR treatment did not alter the MHC-based fibre type composition in fast- or slow-twitch muscles” (2003) and the 2008 article merely discussed specific gene-expression related to the structural adaptation found in endurance athletes (Narkar et al, 2008)):

"Doping,” the use of pharmacological agents to improve athletic performance for competition, is controversial and intrigues the public mind. AICAR improved treadmill performance in untrained mice by 45% (Narkar et al, 2008), leading to speculation that it may work as a performance-enhancing drug (PED) in humans. Tests have been developed for AICAR use in professional athletes, but since the 2008 articles the medical community has focused on AICAR as a way to better understand the profound role of AMPK in health and disease states and on AICAR as a treatment for a variety of pathologies."

AMPK and mTOR in resistance and endurance exercise

In humans, AMPK is increased in response to both endurance and resistance training, but mTOR response is thought to be specific to resistance training (Vissing et al, 2007). Basal concentrations of mTOR and AMPK were not permanently affected in a study of three groups (control, endurance, resistance training) undertaking ten weeks of training (Vissing et all, 2007). Although Nader speculates (2006) that concurrent endurance and strength training may be counterproductive due to the potential of AMPK (expressed with endurance training) to limit mTOR’s effect, Medeiros et al found that in the rat swimming increases transduction activity of proteins involved in insulin-dependent protein synthesis and the mTOR pathway (2011).
The likely explanation is that presence or absence of factors such as insulin and amino acids is as important an influence on the ultimate physiological outcome of exercise as the nature of the exercise; AMPK expression occurs in a fasted state regardless of nature of exercise, as well as in response to any exercise; mTOR proteins are expressed primarily in a fed state, and in response to resistance exercise – but are unlikely to be expressed in significant quantities if the exercise is performed fasted.
The increased potential for mTOR protein transduction after endurance exercise may be explained by the cross-talk between AMPK and mTOR; AMPK acts as an mTOR control and regulates plasticity of muscle tissue (Lantier et al, 2010). As a therapeutic agent, this suggests that ongoing AICAR use should not significantly disrupt signaling cascades relevant to anabolism provided that insulin and amino acids are present during and after resistance exercise.
In an animal model of obesity, Williamson and Drake (2011) found that two weeks of AICAR administration paradoxically promoted muscle-growth. The authors of the study hypothesize that lower fasting AMPK levels, which relate to insulin-resistance found in obese, aging, or otherwise insulin-resistant muscle tissue, results in an overall lower metabolic capacity of the tissues and therefore a reduction in mTOR effect; normalizing AMPK levels results in a net reduction of mTOR with a surprising effect:

Our recent data show that short-term (2-week), daily treatment of obese (ob/ob) mice with AICAR normalized their hyperactive, fasted-state mTOR signaling. Along with the expected reductions in circulating blood glucose and insulin concentrations, and muscle lipid and glycogen content after AICAR treatment, translational capacity and mass (including muscle fiber areas) of the plantar flexor muscle complex were significantly increased in the obese treated mice. It is our view that the oxidative metabolism/capacity of the muscle and the regulatory processes of muscle growth (i.e. mTOR and translational control) need to be normalized to elicit growth in insulin resistant (e.g. obese, aged) muscle.

Paradoxically, mTOR reduction in certain physiological states by AMPK/AICAR can result in improved protein synthesis and muscle-cross section.
Lantier et al, 2010). AMPK directly inhibits mTORC1, the mTOR complex involved in overloading-induced hypertrophy of muscle cells (Lantier et al, 2010).
Lantier et al tested the effect of total AMPK inhibition in myotubes and found that it resulted in myotubes 1.5 times bigger than AMPK-expressing myotubes. However, the AMPK-deficient myotubes failed to respond to mTOR pathway activation: while they started with an initial greater size, they did not increase in size whatsoever when stimulated with mTOR pathway effectors (Lantier et al, 2010).
One possible explanation is that protein synthesis could not be increased any further and so the mTOR effector had no effect, but another – echoing Drake and Williamson’s 2011 paper – is that AMPK deletion limits muscle growth due to limiting energy-generating capabilities necessary for muscle growth (Lantier et al, 2010).
AMPK also limits cardiac hypertrophy, and AMPK deletion results in cardiac hypertrophy (Lantier et al, 2010), a state probably caused in part by mTOR overexpression.
Fatty acid synthesis and oxidation
AMPK is a master lipid metabolism regulator (Lim et al, 2009): high levels of AMPK inhibit cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis. AMPK also acts as a cellular signal to increase fatty acid oxidation by indirectly increasing levels of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (CPT-1), which is the rate-limiting factor in mitochondrial uptake of free fatty acids (FFAs). In other words, AICAR and AMPK increase the upper limit of the body’s ability to burn stored fat for energy.
Yin finds that AMPK is upregulated in fat cells during beta-adrenergic agonist-induced lipolysis due to intracellular fat level via cAMP increases and greater phosphorylation of AMPK, and AMPK is necessary for optimal beta-induced lipolysis (2005).
AMPK dysregulation is implicated in obesity: lipolysis is inhibited and constant low-grade fatty acid synthesis may take place. A steady caloric surplus (energy surplus) suppresses AMPK, resulting in reduced release of fat for fuel usage, and instead resulting in constant low-grade fat storage.
Direct application of AICAR is likely to result in improved lipolysis and fat oxidation, as well as decreased levels of fatty acid synthesis. This is a revelation for development of future obesity treatment strategies.


AICAR has yet to be realized as a mainstream treatment, likely because wide-range systemically acting drugs with profound cellular and systemic effects are difficult to press into medical use under current the regulatory climate in the United States, Canada, and EU countries; the wide range of effects raises hard-to-answer questions about the safety and appropriateness of AICAR for any given disease, particularly “lifestyle” conditions such as obesity and insulin resistance, which have accepted “lifestyle” remedies of diet and exercise and accepted medical remedies as they reach a certain point in pathology.
In the case of Type 2 diabetes, further animal and human safety and efficacy studies could prove AICAR to be a viable candidate, but the current drug metformin is a viable AMPK-targeting agent; AICAR could also be a financially risky choice for investors with a viable (if perhaps less-effective) similar drug on the market. In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, AICAR may also prove to be a next-generation treatment; a better understanding is needed, though, as AMPK appears to play a role in advancing late-stage Alzheimer’s.
For now, AICAR will continue to be used by researchers to better understand the effects of AMPK (and as a treatment for lymphoma and after cardiac ischemia); doubtless, medical advances will continue to be made due to AICAR’s usefulness as a research aid, regardless of when AICAR itself is brought in as a therapeutic agent for the conditions discussed herein.
Note: Researchers who inquire about personal aicar peptide use including, but not limited to bodybuilding, dosing, injections or cycling will be added to our DO NOT SELL LIST.

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Melatonin + GH Peptides for Double Results!

Melatonin + GH Peptides for Double Results!

Perhaps a better/more appropriate title for this article would be:

Melatonin + GH peptides for possibly improved GH release!

That title sounds a little silly. But, I feel a little silly having not researched this matter more fully before drawing conclusions. While I still believe there is something to this protocol- as I experienced results with it that caught my attention before even finding any research on it- there is much more to the matter than what I have posted simply within the article. If I get a bit more info in the future I'll update with whatever I can!

There has been a bit of debate over whether this info is valid when using a GHRP in addition to a GHRH. I want anyone reading this to take a look at this thread on

In it, member JKlooking talks about why he disagrees with my findings on this. Basically, the original study I quoted from, posted here, used melatonin + GHRH to induce a much greater GH pulse release. JK's contention is that when you add in a GHRP to the equation you are basically making the melatonin redundant. He gives some good background for why he thinks this and that's why I want you to take a look at his info and draw your own conclusions.

I still believe that the melatonin has an effect by inhibiting somatostatin, or possibly through some other mechanism, and adds efficiency to the overall equation even in the presence of GHRP. Though a case could be made against this, I still haven't seen anything that directly refutes my theory (or definitively proves it either in all fairness!). Plus, my original enthusiasm for this topic was sparked by results I was getting from this method before I even looked into the "science" of the matter. I had tried other gh peptide protocols and used varying amount of GH previously, but when I dosed it in this way (naturally using the melatonin as I was doing the protocol before bed!) I got light euphoric feelings at first. And, I experienced increased effects and side-effects that I'd never experienced before!

Although that is totally subjective, it still bears weight for me personally. I'd urge anyone already using GH peptides to give this protocol a try for 3 weeks and see what it does for you. You may or may not experience the slight euphoria that I did. Maybe I'm just sensitive to it in that way, not everyone likely will be. But, I'd be surprised if you didn't see some increased efficiency (better fat burning, better sleep etc) from it!

I guess I'm a stick in the mud when I find something I feel works. But, I really urge you to both read the counterpoints to this argument and to give the protocol a chance in the real world. At worst you'll get a good night's sleep from the melatonin and you can always go back to your old protocol at a later time. For me, it gave me better results than using gh peptides 3 x day on their own or even 5-6 iu of GH every day. My guess is that you'd see something similar doing it my way or using 2 doses of GH peptides with an iu of GH 15 min. afterwards without the melatonin. In other words, if you are already using GH with your peptides in multiple doses per day, this 1 dose per night won't give you better results. It's not a miracle. I do believe it is better with the melatonin than without. That is all.

Perhaps the effects of melatonin in this case have more to do with its actions on GHBPs (growth hormone binding proteins) and higher resulting free GH. I don't know. A study found here talks about using 5 mg of oral melatonin increasing serum GH levels 157% over baseline and noting the differences when measuring free GH vs. other methods. Have a read through if you are interested. There may be more here than previously thought.

For example, consider the way the standard "peptide + GH" dose is done- you take the GH peptides "kicking off" a strong GH pulse and then add in an iu of GH to give it a boost that the body recognizes as a natural part of the original pulse. Perhaps the relatively (when compared to GH peptides) small increase in serum GH seen with oral melatonin increases the total GH output from the full protocol (melatonin, wait 1 hr then gh peptides, 15 min later GH) in a somewhat similar fashion- perhaps adjusting the new baseline or perhaps adding to the amount of free GH by somehow inhibiting the GHBPs.

Again, obviously I'm not a bio-chemist! lol. I'm just a curious gym rat. Like I say, give my methods a try, read all the literature you can on the topic if you wish and then draw your own conclusions! :)

Enjoy the article below!

I stumbled on this by accident. I always take melatonin before bed and one night I took my melatonin an hour before my ipamorelin (similar to ghrp-6) and cjc-1295 (mod grf 1-29) and noticed what seemed to be a greater feeling of GH release. Euphoria, sleepiness etc. that was more profound than with just one substance or the other. When I added in an iu of GH 15 min later it was even greater. Now I've stopped my other peptide shots and just do this one protocol per night. The side effects (stiff fingers/hands) got to be too great with multiple shots per day. These are side effects generally seen with very high doses of GH alone.

I knew about 1-2 iu of GH promoting a much bigger "pulse" when combined with peptides (Thanks to Datbetrue on But, I wondered what part melatonin could possibly play in it. But, I had always heard that it created a slight GH release on its own.

Here's what I found-

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1993 Aug;39(2):193-9.
Melatonin stimulates growth hormone secretion through pathways other than the growth hormone-releasing hormone.

Valcavi R, Zini M, Maestroni GJ, Conti A, Portioli I.
2a Divisione di Medicina Interna, Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

OBJECTIVE: There is evidence that melatonin plays a role in the regulation of GH secretion. The aim of this study was to investigate the neuroendocrine mechanisms by which melatonin modulates GH secretion. Thus we assessed the effect of oral melatonin on the GH responses to GHRH administration and compared the effects of melatonin with those of pyridostigmine, a cholinergic agonist drug which is likely to suppress hypothalamic somatostatin release.
DESIGN: The study consisted of four protocols carried out during the afternoon hours. Study 1: oral melatonin (10 mg) or placebo were administered 60 minutes prior to GHRH (100 micrograms i.v. bolus). Study 2: GHRH (100 micrograms i.v. bolus) or placebo were administered at 0 minutes; oral melatonin or placebo were given at 60 minutes and were followed by a second GHRH stimulus (100 micrograms i.v. bolus) at 120 minutes. Study 3: placebo; oral melatonin (10 mg); oral pyridostigmine (120 mg); melatonin (10 mg) plus pyridostigmine (120 mg) were administered on separate occasions. Study 4: placebo; oral melatonin (10 mg); oral pyridostigmine (120 mg); melatonin (10 mg) plus pyridostigmine (120 mg) were administered on separate occasions 60 minutes prior to a submaximal dose (3 micrograms i.v. bolus) of GHRH.
SUBJECTS: Four groups of eight normal male subjects, ages 22-35 years, were randomly assigned to each protocol.
MEASUREMENTS: Growth hormone was measured by RIA at 15-minute intervals.
RESULTS: Oral melatonin administration had a weak stimulatory effect on GH basal levels. Prior melatonin administration approximately doubled the GH release induced by supramaximal (100 micrograms) or submaximal (3 micrograms) doses of GHRH. Melatonin administration restored the GH response to a second GHRH challenge, given 120 minutes after a first GHRH i.v. bolus. The GH releasing effects of pyridostigmine, either alone or followed by GHRH, were greater than those of melatonin. However, the simultaneous administration of melatonin and pyridostigmine was not followed by any further enhancement of GH release, either in the absence or in the presence of exogenous GHRH.
CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that oral administration of melatonin to normal human males increases basal GH release and GH responsiveness to GHRH through the same pathways as pyridostigmine. Therefore it is likely that melatonin plays this facilitatory role at the hypothalamic level by inhibiting endogenous somatostatin release, although with a lower potency than pyridostigmine. The physiological role of melatonin in GH neuroregulation remains to be established.

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Hexarelin Peptide Explored

Hexarelin Peptide Explored

Hexarelin belongs to the category of drugs known as GHRP’s (growth hormone releasing peptides), which are also sometimes referred to as GH secretagogues. They include GHRP-2, GHRP-6, Ipamorelin, and Hexarelin. Hex’s primary function is to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more growth hormone. Like the other GHRPs, it has a 2-fold mechanism of action, in that it causes an increase in GH through amplifying the natural growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) signal transduction pathway, as well as by suppressing the actions of Somatostatin.

Hexarelin demonstrates several unique characteristics which differentiates it from other GHRP’s. Most notably, Hexarelin has been shown to be the most potent GH releaser on a mcg to mcg basis, outperforming the other drugs in its class. It has also been shown to result in a more rapid rate of desensitization in comparison to the other GHRP’s, although the rate and extent at which desensitization progresses is often a topic of misunderstanding. Common dosing guidelines have frequently advised that researchers discontinue administration after just 2 weeks of use, suggesting that further experimentation would result in an insignificant GH spike, in response to this increased desensitization. This is not the case.

In one particular study, the aim of which was to determine the rate of desensitization with daily use, blood work was performed on test subjects at the end of weeks 1, 2, 4, and 16. After evaluating the results of this blood work, researchers concluded that Hexarelin, when dosed at 1mg/kg and 2mg/kg per day, displays minimal difference in desensitization after 1 week of treatment and 4 weeks of treatment. However, after 16 weeks of treatment, GH release was considerably blunted. We should also note that 4 weeks after Hexarelin was discontinued, researchers administered the peptide a 2nd time in conjunction with additional blood work. The results of this blood work revealed that 4 weeks of discontinuance had completely reversed the desensitizing effects of the drug.

Clearly, the outcome of this study has significant application to our own research efforts. Based on the above, Hexarelin can be researched at 4 week increments, or possibly longer, before a break is required. Since blood work was not done during weeks 5-15 of this study, we cannot say for certain at which point GH release starts to significantly decline, so it is probably better to play it safe rather than sorry in this case and keep personal research to 4 weeks at a time. In terms of off-time, while sensitivity to Hex’s GH releasing effects was completely restored 4 weeks after discontinuance, anecdotal evidence suggest that sensitivity will return within only 1-2 weeks of off-time.

Like most other GHRP’s, Hex also elevates prolactin and cortisol post-administration. Generally, prolactin and cortisol are viewed in a negative light, due to their ability to instigate unwanted side effects, BUT…levels must be elevated considerably outside of the normal range in order for any of these issues to manifest. Time and time again studies have shown that the GHRP’s do not elevate prolactin or cortisol high enough to be problematic.

Another manner in which Hexarelin distinguishes itself from the rest of the pack (aside from Ipamorelin) is in the area of appetite stimulation. As Ghrelin mimetics, many of the GHRP’s elicit an increase in appetite, which can range from mild to extreme in various individuals. Hexarelin is absent of this side effect, allowing those who have difficulty adhering to their diet a way to elevate GH levels without suffering through their self-imposed caloric deprivation. Certainly, this should be a consideration when selecting which GH peptide is right for you.

One possible side effect associated with Hexarelin is the disturbance of natural sleep patterns. These alterations in sleeping patterns may cause some individuals to have difficulty falling and/or staying asleep, but many do not experience this problem. At any rate, by avoiding use late at night, this potential issue is eliminated.

Growth hormone has numerous documented benefits, making it one of the most diverse drugs in our PED arsenal. Some of these benefits include:

* Decreased body fat
* Increased lean mass
* Increased collagen production
* Improved sleep quality
* Increased cellular repair
* Increased in IGF-1 levels
* Increased bone density
* Increased rate of wound/injury healing
* Improved immune function
* Improved overall wellbeing
* Improved exercise tolerance

Typical dosing guidelines for Hexarelin range between 50-200 mcg per inject, with 100 mcg being considered the standard. Most will find a dose of 100 mcg to be more than suitable. According to documented research, a single 100 mcg injection is capable of eliciting a temporary elevation in GH similar to what one would experience when administering 10 IU of GH in a single injection. The differentiating factor in this comparison is the length of time GH levels remain elevated post-injection. With exogenous GH, levels remain elevated for roughly 7-8 hours, while levels will fall to baseline within 90 minutes of administering Hexarelin. This is why most users will choose to administer this GHRP no less than 2-3X per day.
Hexarelin is the most efficacious GHRP available, allowing for impressive elevations in GH levels with few downsides. For those of you who normally research products such as GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin at traditional dosages, you may want to consider giving this unique GH peptide a shot for your next research project. Don’t let prior misconceptions fool you. Hexarelin is one of the most under-rated GHRP’s on the market and certainly more effective than other drugs in the same class on a mcg to mcg basis. So long as proper procedures are adhered to in terms of ON/OFF time (during which time an alternate GHRP can be researched), Hexarelin can be used as semi-permanent fixture in your GH peptide program.
by Mike Arnold

Hexarelin belongs to the category of drugs known as GHRP’s (growth hormone releasing peptides), which are also sometimes referred to as GH secretagogues. They include GHRP-2, GHRP-6, Ipamorelin, and Hexarelin. Hex’s primary function is to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more growth hormone. Like the other GHRPs, it has a 2-fold mechanism of action, in that it causes an increase in GH through amplifying the natural growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) signal transduction pathway, as well as by suppressing the actions of Somatostatin.

Hexarelin demonstrates several unique characteristics which differentiates it from other GHRP’s. Most notably, Hexarelin has been shown to be the most potent GH releaser on a mcg to mcg basis, outperforming the other drugs in its class. It has also been shown to result in a more rapid rate of desensitization in comparison to the other GHRP’s, although the rate and extent at which desensitization progresses is often a topic of misunderstanding. Common dosing guidelines have frequently advised that researchers discontinue administration after just 2 weeks of use, suggesting that further experimentation would result in an insignificant GH spike, in response to this increased desensitization. This is not the case.

In one particular study, the aim of which was to determine the rate of desensitization with daily use, blood work was performed on test subjects at the end of weeks 1, 2, 4, and 16. After evaluating the results of this blood work, researchers concluded that Hexarelin, when dosed at 1mg/kg and 2mg/kg per day, displays minimal difference in desensitization after 1 week of treatment and 4 weeks of treatment. However, after 16 weeks of treatment, GH release was considerably blunted. We should also note that 4 weeks after Hexarelin was discontinued, researchers administered the peptide a 2nd time in conjunction with additional blood work. The results of this blood work revealed that 4 weeks of discontinuance had completely reversed the desensitizing effects of the drug.

Clearly, the outcome of this study has significant application to our own research efforts. Based on the above, Hexarelin can be researched at 4 week increments, or possibly longer, before a break is required. Since blood work was not done during weeks 5-15 of this study, we cannot say for certain at which point GH release starts to significantly decline, so it is probably better to play it safe rather than sorry in this case and keep personal research to 4 weeks at a time. In terms of off-time, while sensitivity to Hex’s GH releasing effects was completely restored 4 weeks after discontinuance, anecdotal evidence suggest that sensitivity will return within only 1-2 weeks of off-time.

Like most other GHRP’s, Hex also elevates prolactin and cortisol post-administration. Generally, prolactin and cortisol are viewed in a negative light, due to their ability to instigate unwanted side effects, BUT…levels must be elevated considerably outside of the normal range in order for any of these issues to manifest. Time and time again studies have shown that the GHRP’s do not elevate prolactin or cortisol high enough to be problematic.

Another manner in which Hexarelin distinguishes itself from the rest of the pack (aside from Ipamorelin) is in the area of appetite stimulation. As Ghrelin mimetics, many of the GHRP’s elicit an increase in appetite, which can range from mild to extreme in various individuals. Hexarelin is absent of this side effect, allowing those who have difficulty adhering to their diet a way to elevate GH levels without suffering through their self-imposed caloric deprivation. Certainly, this should be a consideration when selecting which GH peptide is right for you.

One possible side effect associated with Hexarelin is the disturbance of natural sleep patterns. These alterations in sleeping patterns may cause some individuals to have difficulty falling and/or staying asleep, but many do not experience this problem. At any rate, by avoiding use late at night, this potential issue is eliminated.

Growth hormone has numerous documented benefits, making it one of the most diverse drugs in our PED arsenal. Some of these benefits include:

* Decreased body fat
* Increased lean mass
* Increased collagen production
* Improved sleep quality
* Increased cellular repair
* Increased in IGF-1 levels
* Increased bone density
* Increased rate of wound/injury healing
* Improved immune function
* Improved overall wellbeing
* Improved exercise tolerance

Typical dosing guidelines for Hexarelin range between 50-200 mcg per inject, with 100 mcg being considered the standard. Most will find a dose of 100 mcg to be more than suitable. According to documented research, a single 100 mcg injection is capable of eliciting a temporary elevation in GH similar to what one would experience when administering 10 IU of GH in a single injection. The differentiating factor in this comparison is the length of time GH levels remain elevated post-injection. With exogenous GH, levels remain elevated for roughly 7-8 hours, while levels will fall to baseline within 90 minutes of administering Hexarelin. This is why most users will choose to administer this GHRP no less than 2-3X per day.
Hexarelin is the most efficacious GHRP available, allowing for impressive elevations in GH levels with few downsides. For those of you who normally research products such as GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin at traditional dosages, you may want to consider giving this unique GH peptide a shot for your next research project. Don’t let prior misconceptions fool you. Hexarelin is one of the most under-rated GHRP’s on the market and certainly more effective than other drugs in the same class on a mcg to mcg basis. So long as proper procedures are adhered to in terms of ON/OFF time (during which time an alternate GHRP can be researched), Hexarelin can be used as semi-permanent fixture in your GH peptide program.
by Mike Arnold

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Sermorelin: a review

Sermorelin: a review of its use in the diagnosis and treatment of children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency.

Sermorelin, a 29 amino acid analogue of human growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), is the shortest synthetic peptide with full biological activity of GHRH. Intravenous and subcutaneous sermorelin specifically stimulate growth hormone secretion from the anterior pituitary. Hormone responses to intravenous sermorelin 1 microg/kg bodyweight appear to be a rapid and relatively specific test for the diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency. False positive growth hormone responses are observed in fewer children without growth hormone deficiency after sermorelin than after other provocative tests.

Adult data indicate that the combination of intravenous sermorelin and arginine is a more specific test and this merits evaluation in children with growth hormone deficiency. However, normal growth hormone responses to intravenous sermorelin cannot exclude growth hormone deficiency due to a hypothalamic deficit: subnormal growth hormone response to other provocative tests is needed to confirm the presence of disease in these patients. Limited data indicate that once daily subcutaneous sermorelin 30 microg/kg bodyweight given at bedtime is effective in treating some prepubertal children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency.

Significant increases in height velocity were sustained during 12 months' treatment with sermorelin and data in a few children suggest the effect is maintained for 36 months of continued treatment. Sermorelin induced catch-up growth in the majority of growth hormone-deficient children. Slow growing, shorter children with delayed bone and height age appear to have a good response to treatment with sermorelin. The effect of long term treatment with once daily subcutaneous sermorelin 30 microg/kg bodyweight on final adult height is yet to be determined.

The effects of the recommended dosage of sermorelin have not been directly compared with those of somatropin. However, increases in height velocity from baseline values with subcutaneous sermorelin 30 microg/kg bodyweight per day, given as continuous infusion or as 3 divided doses, were less than those in children receiving once daily subcutaneous somatropin 30 microg/kg bodyweight. Intravenous single dose and repeated once daily subcutaneous doses of sermorelin are well tolerated. Transient facial flushing and pain at injection site were the most commonly reported adverse events.


Sermorelin is a well tolerated analogue of GHRH which is suitable for use as a provocative test of growth hormone deficiency when given as a single intravenous 1 microg/kg bodyweight dose in conjunction with conventional tests. Limited data suggest that once daily subcutaneous sermorelin 30 microg/kg bodyweight is effective in promoting growth in some prepubertal children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency.

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T3 (Cytomel, Liothyronine sodium)

T3 (Cytomel, Liothyronine sodium)

Cytomel is the most common synthetic version of the T3 or triiodothyronine. T3 is not produced directly by the thyroid gland but by the thyroid-stimulating hormone or THS. THS is also responsible for the production of T4 or thyroxine. Cytomel (T3) does speed fat loss. As a guideline, for most 12.5 mcg/day is a conservative “supplement” sort of dosing that seems to have no detectable adverse effect on thyroid function at all. 25 mcg/day is a “supplement” sort of dosing that does have some inhibitory effect. 50 mcg/day is a reasonably conservative bb’ing sort of dose that, of course, is more inhibitory. 75 mcg/day is getting into more of a problem area, 100 mcg/day in many cases leads to loss of muscle size and strength. These doses are in reference to legit T3 provided in tablets such as Cytomel. Liquid formulations are usually unstable and as a result, the above numbers in many cases won’t match up to experiences with liquid products, or for that matter, experience with a liquid product at one time may not match up with experience at a different time, due to the stability problem.

Drugs with thyroid hormone activity, such as Cytomel, are used for the treatment of obesity since they are effective fat-burning agents.
Cytomel exerts its fat-burning ability via the following metabolic pathways and processes.

Cytomel up-regulates the beta-2 adrenergic receptors in fat tissues. In lipolysis, or the breakdown of fat in fat tissues, the enzyme HSL (hormone sensitive lipase) plays a significant part. HSL controls the rate of lipolysis. For HSL to be activated, epinephrine and nonepinephrine (catecholomines) are necessary. These catecholomines bind to the beta-2 receptors, and thus when Cytomel up-regulates the beta-receptors, there is a corresponding increase in the ability of catecholomines to activate HSL, resulting to increased lipolysis.

This drug is likewise known to increase the UCP-3 or uncoupling protein-3. This process significantly increases lipolysis. Further, Cytomel also stimulates growth hormone (GH) production, as substantiated by several studies. And since GH is a thermogenic, it contributes to this drug’s fat-burning action. This is why when athletes are using Cytomel they find no need to use HGH

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