GHRP-6; CJC-1295 reconstitution values

Peptide reconstitute methods:
It seems ghrp 6 and cjc-1295 are the most used peptide combos, and there are many good peptide info sites online. I have a very nice one pinned here. For some reason though its as if people can’t find a way to print in plain english and without confusion how to reconstitute from powder these two very popular products. I will also explain how we reconstitute hcg by iu. It’s very simple…

There are 1000mcg in 1mg so if you have 1mg of peptide and you add 1mL of BAC water you will have 1mL containing 1000mcg of peptide.

Take 5mg and add 1mL of BAC, you have 5000mcg of peptide in that 1mL of BAC.

So here is your reconstitute for 5mg ghrp-6 and 2mg cjc-1295:

5mg ghrp-6 vial:

reconstitute with 2.5ml of bac water = 2000mcg per 1 mL = each 10marks (each little line)or 10 units on a 100 unit(1mL) slin pin = 200mcgs or 5 ticks (5 units)= 100mcg

Note:*if you wish to use 5mL BAC water you will probably need to add 2.5mL, let powder disolve then add to a 5 or 10mL sterile multiuse vial then add another 2.5mL of BAC. Gives you 1000mcg/mL or 5 ticks= 100mcg.

 *Most peptides come in 3-4mL vials(max volume)

2mg CJC-1295 vial:

reconstitute with 2mls of bac water = 2000mcgs per 1ml = each 10mark on the slin pin = 100mcgs
Note: if wanting to use 5mL of BAC water you use the same method as above with ghrp.
 If using 5mL then 10 ticks on slin pin=50mcg

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Insulin, Carb-Loading & the Pre-Contest Bodybuilder

Insulin. Perhaps the most controversial performance enhancing drug used in BB’ing today, insulin’s talent for causing dramatic physical change over a short period of time is unrivaled by all but a select few drugs. For first time users, bodyweight gains of 10-12 lbs in the first 2 weeks are not uncommon. Being the primary hormone responsible for nutrient transport into cells, its ability to maximize the anabolic response, while increasing glycogen storage beyond natural limits, are the primary functions this peptide has become known for in the bodybuilding community.

In fact, insulin has often been dubbed the “most anabolic hormone” on Earth, but in this article our focus will not center around insulin’s role in the muscle growth process, but rather on its ability to perfect the onstage physique by maximizing muscle fullness, while simultaneously minimizing the potential for spill-over.

With muscle fullness being a significant determinant in one’s overall level of condition, it makes sense to maximize this aspect of one’s appearance. Failure to this achieve adequate muscle fullness onstage or even worse, coming in flat, will precipitate multiple negative outcomes. For one, the BBr’s musculature will adopt a deflated state, in which diminished glycogen levels and reduced intramuscular water combine to cause a decline in overall size. Secondly, a decrease in muscle hardness and density will manifest as a result, making the BB’r look softer than he truly is. Separation will also fade, as flat muscles do not push out against the skin as forcefully, making the skin appear thicker and blurring the crisp lines that would otherwise be apparent. Lastly, being flat can also be mistaken for subcutaneous water retention, as the effects both have on appearance are often similar.

Spilling over can be equally disastrous in terms of stage appearance. Months of hard work can be ruined over just a few days of miscalculating, with a soft, watery appearance as the result. Even with all the risk present in many of these last minute adjustments, many BB’rs are still willing to assume such risk in order to improve their conditioning by a few percent. The search for that elusive combination of maximum fullness and the ultimate in dryness is the holy grail of all competitive BB’rs. No more than a few will attain this look at any one show and more often than not, no one will.

Still, there is a compound we can employ to increase our chances of achieving this goal. This compound is insulin. While many know this drug as an off-season mass-gainer, insulin’s value extends beyond the acquirement of muscle tissue alone. It has the ability to maximize onstage muscle fullness, while simultaneously minimizing the odds of spill-over. It is commonly understood that insulin is capable of increasing muscle fullness through increased glycogen & intramuscular fluid retention, but what is less understood is that this enhanced ability to store glycogen decreases the chances that spill-over will occur should the BB’r consume too many carbs during the loading process. Adding insulin into one’s pre-contest carb-loading program effectively increases the holding capacity of the muscle cells, allowing them to store larger amounts of glycogen and in turn, water. Therefore, an amount of carbohydrates which might have caused spill-over under normal circumstances might be made inconsequential when using insulin. For those who have previous experience with this drug, insulin can be an effective adjunct for this purpose.

Generally, BB’rs who have entered the final phases of contest prep are moderately to severely glycogen depleted. Under these circumstances, insulin’s 1st priority will be the re-filling of muscle glycogen stores. However, insulin is sometimes avoided during the carb-loading process due to a false fear arising out of the belief that insulin, also being a fat storage hormone, may cause the individual to add body fat should it be used during this time. Nothing could be further from the truth. Insulin’s role in storing calories as body fat happens only in times of caloric excess, not when the individual has undergone months of caloric restriction and is experiencing severe glycogen depletion. Any fear regarding insulin’s ability to impair conditioning through body fat storage under such conditions, should be eradicated.

Through insulin’s ability to promote glycogen storage within muscle tissue, the chances of displaying a dry physique come contest day are improved. How? As mentioned above, when a muscle’s glycogen levels are increased, there is a concomitant increase in intramuscular water retention. For every gram of glycogen a muscle accumulates, roughly 3 additional grams of water are pulled into the muscle along with it. Not only is this exaggerated degree of intramuscular water retention the primary way in which insulin enhances muscle fullness, but it is the primary mechanism by which insulin improves the BBr’s chances of being in dry condition, as any subcutaneous water not pertinent to vital functions is more likely to be carried into muscle tissue through insulin’s nutrient transporting effects.

Another benefit of insulin use is its ability to increase the uptake of muscle volumizers, such as creatine, into muscle tissue. With creatine usage, the preponderance of muscle size gained is due to intramuscular water retention, while only a small portion is due to creatine storage itself. In similar fashion to glycogen, for every gram of creatine stored in muscle tissue, additional water is also pulled into the muscle with it. For this reason, any substance capable of increasing creatine storage beyond normal physiological limits will have desirable effects on muscle fullness, as well as muscle dryness, as a portion of the relocated water would likely be drawn from the subcutaneous region. The end result is bigger and potentially drier muscles. Regardless of whether we are talking about creatine or other muscle cell volumizers, insulin’s ability to positively affect uptake is another way in which this controversial drug can contribute to improved onstage conditioning.

As BB’rs we seek to manipulate any variable which might lead to improvements in our condition. To this end BB’rs routinely employ diuretics in an attempt to accomplish this objective. While diuretics can indeed be effective for “drying out”, they carry with them a significant degree of risk when it comes to one’s appearance. In an effort to come in dry through diuretic use, many BB’rs have instead walked onstage flat. This is the risk many take when using diuretics. Certainly, much of this is due to ignorance in not knowing how to properly administer these drugs, but regardless of how proficient an individual might be in this area, the fact remains that diuretics will never pull water only from the subcutaneous region; they will also pull water directly from muscle tissue. This means that diuretics will always cause a loss of muscle fullness. To what extent this will occur can vary between unnoticeable to extremely significant. While diuretics will likely retain a place within the arsenals of pre-contest BB’rs for years to come, insulin can serve as both a legitimate alternative, as well as an adjunct in achieving these goals.

Using insulin to achieve the goal of a fuller & drier physique does not pose much difficulty, but before I go any further I would like to point out that I am not advocating or suggesting that anyone use insulin for this purpose, as being able to use insulin safely requires a degree of competency which exceeds that of other performance enhancers. The risk factor involved demands it. Therefore, I will assume that anyone considering insulin usage, regardless of reason, demonstrates a thorough understanding and adequate skill level. Competency of use is even more important when administering insulin under these circumstances, as most BB’rs are not regularly using insulin throughout their prep, which will lead to increased insulin sensitivity and the need for more precise dosing. In addition, most BB’rs who are 1 week out from their show have significantly reduced their carbs by that point, further enhancing insulin sensitivity, so extra caution is suggested.

There are many ways in which one can utilize insulin to assist with the glycogen loading process, but one of the most simple and safest methods involves adding a small amount of insulin to each carb meal until glycogen levels are sufficient; just enough to effectively deliver the ingested carbohydrates into muscle tissue. Even though using insulin during the carb-loading process will increase the amount of carbohydrates which can be consumed without spilling over, it is not wise to consume more carbs than you normally would during a load. This will ensure that water stays where it should be…in the muscle, not under the skin. How much insulin is utilized will vary from person to person depending on insulin sensitivity, as well as the quantity of carbohydrates consumed.

By including insulin in one’s carb-loading program, most individuals will be able to hit the stage a solid 3-4 lbs heavier than would have been possible otherwise, without any decrease in conditioning. As always, safety first an good luck at your next competition.  
By Mike Arnold

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GH Cycling for Beginners


You’ve decided to take the plunge (pun intended) and finally try Growth Hormone. Wonderful, the benefits are wide and often remarkable, depending on what your goals with it are. If you’re a weightlifter, and since this article is being written for weightlifters and your reading it, I’m going to assume your goals are either to add muscle mass, to lose body fat or both. That’s great because GH when used correctly can easily accomplish both. But how it’s used and what it’s used with will greatly impact how well it does its job so before we dig in with the actual nuts and bolts of your cycle let’s recap a little on what exactly GH is and does.

Growth Hormone is a 191-amino acid, single chain polypeptide hormone (wow that’s a mouth full), let’s just say it’s a combination of amino acids arranged in a specific order to make up a hormone. Prior to 1985 it was harvested from cadavers (dead people), now it is constructed in a lab. GH is involved in over 500 different hormonal processes such as reproduction, fat burning, regulating basal body temperature, reducing insulin sensitivity, stimulating the immune system, hair and nail growth, bone growth and most importantly for lifters muscle growth, including many, many others. Of note though, the most noticeable effect reported from using GH is an increase in overall well being, that is the user reports feeling great overall without it being isolated to one body part. In some cases they say they feel 20 years younger, not bad from a simple daily injection right? Again though for the sake of this article we’ll concentrate on the muscle gains and fat burning. With that in mind let’s jump into a couple cycle options.

GH Cycle Option 1: Daily Injections
So what exactly constitutes the “correct” GH cycle? Well that’s a good question, since there are an infinite number of ways to take any chemical what usually gets passed off as the “correct” way is often just the most common. That doesn’t always mean it’s the best or most efficient way of doing things, just the most common. The 1st cycle we will discuss is the old standby, which is the daily injections method. This method has been used since the 70’s when athletes started experimenting with GH. Assuming your GH is of good quality and has been stored and shipped correctly there need not be any reason for you to use more than 4iu/day, most users of higher dosages do so because their GH has degraded somewhere along the line. I know I’m going to take flack on this from more experienced GH users but this article is be written for beginners and users with little GH experience and for those users the total dosage doesn’t need to be any higher, anything more will be a waste and with the cost of GH what it is that’s plain madness. Most athletes that I’ve trained and counseled on the use of GH have received great results using 2-3iu/day total so 4ius is a safe bet. I always believe in starting as low as possible, you can always go up if lower dosages don’t yield the desired results, but once you’ve used a dosage going back down doesn’t work as the body gets used to a certain level and anything under that level just won’t cut it so let’s start with 4iu/day if we need to go up later you can. Below I’ve laid out a very basic GH cycle, one that should work nicely for most users.

4ius/day Growth Hormone, 2iu injected upon rising, 2iu injected immediately post-workout
500mg/week Testosterone
12.5- 25mcg/day T3

As you can see I’ve added in 2 additional chemicals that I feel are necessities to getting all you can out of your GH cycle, Testosterone and the thyroid medication T3. GH and Testosterone used together yield that much sort after synergy, that is in this case when the 2 chemicals used together yield the results of more than the 2 alone could. When you add in small amounts of T3(12.5-25mcg/day) to any steroid cycle it increases the muscle gains by increasing the absorption of protein and other nutrients, it also speeds up the metabolism just enough to start burning fat albeit small amounts at that dosage but still since the GH is building muscle and burning fat at the same time it will only enhance the results your seeking. T3 is a cheap addition that like I said will also help shed some fat while adding muscle mass, and we all know the muscle building properties of steroids like Testosterone so taken together these 3 chemicals should net you very favorable results. While you can get results from using GH by itself there is literally no comparison to the results gained by using the 3 chemicals listed above.

GH Cycle Option 2: 3/week Protocol
In recent times through experimentation lifters have discovered a new and exciting way of extracting even better results from the same amount of GH, and as an added benefit without the all too often experienced negative side effects like carpal tunnel syndrome, water retention or aching joints. This method involves taking your weekly total of GH you would use over a 7 day period, dividing it by 3 and using 1/3 post workout after 3 selected workouts each week. Now obviously the individual shots will be bigger, but because their infrequent the body doesn’t grow accustomed to them and the side effects never show. In the 2 plus years I’ve been counseling lifters on their GH usage not 1 has experienced any side effects using GH this way, yet the muscle gains and fat loss results they experience are far better than ever. I’ve had guys who couldn’t get any results from daily injects suddenly gain a solid 15lbs in 4-8 weeks by doing nothing more than switching their cycle from daily shots to the 3/week protocol. The cycle would look like this.

9-10ius GH 3 times per week, post workout, preferably IM injection
500mg/week Testosterone
12.5- 25mcg/day T3

Again you see that the 3 components are the same, GH, Testosterone and T3. The only differences between this option and option #1 is that you are doing shots only post workout and only on 3 workout days, on the “off days” you are not shooting anything. You are also only shooting your GH once that day, right after your workout, not upon rising from sleep. The idea here is to hit it hard and infrequently, causing the body to react in a favorable way and then let it rest. I can state emphatically that I haven’t had 1 person I’ve recommended this to over the past 2 plus years not be far more pleased with the results than with the daily injection method.


As you can see I’ve laid out what I feel are the 2 most por methods of cycling GH, the decision is yours in which to try but I would make this recommendation to you if your goals are to gain muscle mass use the 3 times a week protocol, if fat loss is more your goal use the daily injection method. That’s said, I’ve said this a hundred times so I may as well say it again, I don’t like using GH for fat loss it’s much too expensive for the amount of fat loss you’ll experience, there are far better and cheaper chemicals you can use like T3, Clenbuterol and the eca - ephedrine - caffeine - aspirin Stack. Also, you’ll hear of the 5 on/2 off method, that is simply the daily injection method outlined above only you skip every 6th and 7th day, this isn’t to keep things fresh in the body like with the 3 times a week protocol it’s just so you save some money by doing 5 injections a week vs. 7. If you are going to do this save a few extra dollars and to it 7 days a week don’t skimp and do it ½ way, go all the way and do it right.

One last thing, many people will tell you that you need to stack insulin with GH to get it to work, this is bull plain and simple. Will you get better results using Insulin, yes, but not because it makes the GH work any better but because Insulin is a very potent drug and the extra gains come from that. I’ve purposely left it out because these cycles are aimed at early users of GH and at this point Insulin shouldn’t even be considered. Save that for years from now when you are struggling to get results from the chemicals you are using now. Use it now and you won’t have anything to turn to later. Hopefully one of the cycles I’ve laid out will help you reach your goals, work hard and it will come!
By: TJ

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HGH-Frag Peptide

Sequence: Tyr -Leu-Arg-lle-Va1-GIn-Cys-Arg-Ser-Va1-GIu-Gly-Ser-Cys-Gly-Phe
HGH-Frag 176-191 is a modified form of amino acids 176-191 of the GH polypeptide.
 It’s Molecular Formula is CC78H123N23023S2 and the Molecular Weight is 1815.1
Investigators at Monash University discovered that the fat-reducing effects of GH appear to be controlled by a small region near one end of the GH molecule. This region, which consists of amino acids 176-191, is less than 10% of the total size of the GH molecule and appears to have no effect on growth or insulin resistance.
It works by mimicking the way natural Growth Hormone regulates fat metabolism but without the adverse effects on blood sugar or growth that is seen with unmodified Growth Hormone. Like Growth Hormone, AOD9604 stimulates lipolysis (the breakdown or destruction of fat) and inhibits lipogenesis (the transformation of nonfat food materials into body fat) both in laboratory testing and in animals and humans.

In laboratory tests on fat cells from rodents, pigs, dogs, and humans, a 500mcg dosage of the HGH-Frag 176-191 peptide increased the lipolytic activity in adipose tissues without having negative influence in the blood glucose level. the HGH fragment released fat specifically from obese fat cells but not from lean ones, reduced new fat accumulation in all fat cells, enhanced the burning of fat without changing food consumption or inducing growth (as it does not increase IGF levels) or any other unwanted Growth Hormone effect.

HGH-Frag 176-191 FUNCTIONS
 researchers have suggested that HGH-Frag 176-191 might be used for the elimination of excess abdominal fat which is a significant aspect of HIV-associated lipodystrophy. To date, studies suggest that HGH Fragment 176-191 has several beneficial features: it reduces abdominal fat, without compromising glycemic control (blood glucose), it increases muscle mass and improves the lipid profile.

 For the treatment of excess abdominal adiposity

HGH-Frag 176-191may be injected once a day as a a single subcutaneous injection of .20ml or may be injected as a smaller .5ml dosage into multiple sites in the abdomen daily.

HGH-Frag 176-191  SUMMARY
HGH-Frag 176-191 · Reduces the most stubborn abdominal fat ·Increases muscle mass ·Increases IGF-1 levels, in an effective manner, thus making this a peptide that primarily targets adipose cells ·Increases energy expenditure ·Improves lipid profiles and lipolytic activity does not negatively impact blood glucose level, nor does cell     proliferation occur, like Human Growth Hormone · Extremely potent and effective fat burner
Clinical research on humans using a dosage of 500mcg of HGH-Frag 176-19 daily for 30 days produced a reduction of body fat in the mid abdominal area in both obese, over-weight, and average built people.
None Reported

2mg peptide vial with rubber stopper containing freeze dried reconstitutable powder.

Reconstitute the unmixed peptide by first removing the plastic flip top of the Peptide Vial. Swab exposed rubber stopper with alcohol.
Remove the plastic flip top on the Bacteriostatic water vial. Swab exposed rubber stopper with alcohol. With an insulin syringe, pull plunger back 100 units and slowly push into bacteriostatic water rubber seal. Depress plunger filling the bacteriostatic water vial with pressure and then turn upside down drawing 100 units of water.
Remove syringe from dilutent and carefully insert into peptide vial; for example. Inject water into peptide vial observing the clear reconstruction. The reconstituted peptide solution is ready and should be kept refrigerated for storage.

Unmixed vials containing dry peptide powder may be stored at room temperature. without refrigeration (avoid extreme heat). Always store reconstituted peptide serum vials in the refrigerator. Discard reconstituted peptide serum after 6 weeks.

Unmixed peptides in powder form will remain stable up to 48 months (4 years) in the freezer. Unmixed vials can be stored in the freezer for a period of up to 48 months; however, if you are going to use the vials within 1 month store them in the refrigerator. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles can cause damage to the peptide.

Heffernan MA, Jiang WJ, Thorburn AW, Ng FM. (2000). Effects of oral administration of a synthetic fragment of human growth hormone on lipid metabolism. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Sep;279(3):E501-7.
Ng FM, Sun J,Sharma L, Libinaka R, Jiang WJ, and Gianello R (2000). Metabolic studies of a synthetic lipolytic domain (AOD9604) of human growth hormone. Horm Res. 2000;53(6):274-8.
Wu Z, Ng FM (1993). Antilipogenic action of synthetic C-terminal sequence 177-191 of human growth hormone. Biochem Mol Biol Int. 1993 May;30(1):187-96.

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When to Take IGF-1 to Maximize Binding

I’ve read that serum (blood) binding proteins, mainly IGF-bp3 (insulin-like growth factor, binding protein-3) with the acid labile unit, act as carriers to greatly increase the half-life of the IGF-1 molecule in the blood.

 I know that if injected subcutaneous, IGF-1 is cleared from the blood in minutes. If bound to binding proteins, IGF-1 can freely dissociate, acting as a reservoir when needed. I do understand completely that only free drug can interact with receptors, but what is, in your expert opinion, the best form of IGF-1 to take?

     The problem is, how do you we know how much IGF-1 (if any) will dissociate from the proposed binding protein (bp3) to actually act to cause growth? At least when you inject free IGF-1, we know that there will be some binding (despite the short half-life) to open IGF-1 receptors. (I suggest individuals try taking their IGF-1 right after training, since damaged muscle tissue will display the greatest density of IGF-1 receptors).

 Additionally, long-R3 IGF-1 (an IGF-1 analog that’s manufactured by the Australian company GroPep), can avoid being bound to IGF-1 binding proteins and thus being inactivated. This unique ability enables long-R3 IGF-1 to prolong its serum half-life from 20 minutes to about eight hours.

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What type of insulin should I use for bodybuilding

What type of insulin should I use for bodybuilding? Humulin R and Humalog are the only insulin's I recommend because they act fast and are out of the body fastest(this makes them the safest). I have never used Humalog but understand that aside from quicker onset and half-life it is essentially the same.

Why do I want to use insulin?
Insulin has been called "Anabolicus Maximus" by some gurus of the bodybuilding world. Insulin can give you greater gains than you have ever had using anabolics alone. Insulin, in combination with androgens and resistance exercise, may trigger maturation of satellite muscle cells (small, more or less useless cells that are held in reserve, which do not contribute to muscular strength) into mature muscle cells that do contribute to muscular size and strength. How freakin cool is that. Hyperinsulinemia has been shown to stimulate protein synthesis in isolated limb infusion experiments , these anabolic properties seem to be the result of insulin binding to IGF-1 receptors.

Isn't taking insulin dangerous?

Insulin safety

1. Do not use slin alone have a training partner or girlfriend who's not using slin hang around with you from the time you take the slin to about 2.5/4 hrs after.
Assuming that Humalog is used and shot IM (intramuscular) the time is just 2.5 hours.

2. Tell you're partner to look for anything out of the norm for your personality and have a list of questions like your ssn or address etc that they can ask you. Don't joke around, and answer them without shit, because if you cant answer or refuse to answer it could be a sign of hypoglycemia(low blood sugar). Symptoms of hypoglycemia include disorientation, headache, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, fast heartbeat, sweating, tremor, and nausea.
Personal side note, do not take a shower while slin is active, it can be very hard to pick up the sides...

3. If you cant/wont answer or are feeling the symptoms of hypoglycemia they should be prepared to feed you carbs like pancake syrup, coke, sugary stuff. I bought glucose tablets at walmart. kind of like candy but gets in the blood faster and dissolve quickly. these are for diabetics ask at the pharmacy.

4. Have your partner know that if they suspect low blood sugar and cant convince or force you to consume carbs until your better. CALL 911 and ask for an ambulance and tell the truth to the operator... that they suspect you are in insulin shock and explain when they get there(the ambulance guys not the cops) that you are not diabetic but using insulin for anabolic purposes. Have the type of slin, the dosage and carbs consumed recorded to give the paramedic. They will save your life. Then you refuse transport to the hospital and eat. It might be a good idea to make sure your house is "clean" before every workout just in case the bad thing happens and the cops ask a lot of questions.

5. Why so much preparation for the possible problem?? insulin can kill you in minutes if you go down!!

6. Take the carbs and protein together immediately after injecting the slin(don't take chances trying to time out 15 min after injection). Take the protein with the carbs because the protein is pushed into the muscles with the slin also(creatine too).
This HAS TO BE whey protein, and the sugar should be dextrose. The whey should be taken in water... you want a fast absorbing protein at this point, so do not have a meal here.

7. Before an hour passes you should eat a normal balanced meal(high protein low fat with carbs).

8. Consume another small high protein medium carb low fat meal at 2.5 hours after the injection. Congrats you lived.(keep some Gatorade on hand just to make sure because your not going to have a lifeline)

9. YAWN... Don't go to sleep within 4/6 hours of using insulin since you can develop hypoglycemia while asleep and not have warning signs.

Ok I'm not scared I still want to use insulin...

Where do I keep it? (STORAGE)
The FDA requires that all preparations of insulin contain instructions to keep in a cold place and to avoid freezing. The refrigerator is a good spot. Unrefrigerated insulin can be kept of 28 days as long as it stays in a cool and dark place.

Where/how do I inject insulin?

The best sites for insulin injection are in the subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen(avoid the area close to bellybutton) .Usually, you should not inject within 1 inch of the same site within 1 month. The arms and legs can also be used, but insulin uptake from these sites is less uniform. Insulin should be injected subcutaneously only with a U-100 insulin syringe. "B-D ultra-fine" insulin syringes are good. Insulin syringes are available without a prescription in many states. If you cant purchase the syringes at a pharmacy, you can mail order them. Using a syringe other than a specific insulin syringe is dangerous since it will be difficult to measure out the correct dosage.
NO this needs to be an IM (intramuscular) shot. Subc is not good for what we use it for, IM cuts the duration of the insulin in half. Also a good place to inject is a place with low body fat. ie tricep, bicep and the tear drop on the quad.

How much insulin should I take?

I recommend never using over 10IU. 10IU is enough to make you grow.
In general Dosages used are usually 1 IU per 20 pounds of lean bodyweight. So a 220lb bodybuilder with 9% body-fat would use 10iu of insulin(aprox200lb lean mass/20 = 10iu). But even experienced insulin users shouldn't use max dosage at the beginning of an insulin cycle. First-time users should start at a low dosage and gradually work up. For example, first begin with 2 IU and then increase the dosage by 1 IU every consecutive workout until you reach your calculated dose or determine a maximum personal dose(some people are more sensitive to insulin sides like hypoglycemia). This will allow the athlete to determine a dosage he can safely use. Insulin dosages can vary significantly among athletes and are dependent upon insulin sensitivity and the use of other drugs. Athletes using growth hormone and thyroid might have higher insulin requirements.

When do I take insulin?

It is my opinion that you should only take insulin after a work out, never before or when not working out, because before a work out you could crash and die during the workout and when your not working out it makes you fat. Some people disagree with this. IF you want, get some info from them and try it. But remember I told ya so.

 When do I eat after using insulin?

Immediately!!! DO NOT TRY TO TIME YOUR CONSUMPTION OF CARBS!! You should immediately take a carbohydrate AND protein drink after taking you're insulin. I've stated this twice because it is very important. Even experienced insulin users can get a surprise now and then.
Eat a meal at about an hour after using insulin. Consume another small high protein medium carb low fat meal at 2.5 hours after the injection. keep some Gatorade on hand just to make sure. Remember that insulin can still work much later so be careful and eat if you feel hypoglycemia symptoms.
Once again no first meal it needs to be whey protein/dex in water...

 What do I eat after using insulin?

 Some people recommend a zero fat intake for 4 hours after taking insulin. I do not disagree with this. But if your bulking you can be a little relaxed on this. But high fat intake after taking insulin can lead to high body fat.

 The carb/protein drink taken after the insulin shot should contain AT LEAST 10 grams of carbs and 5 grams of quality protein per IU of insulin injected with little or no fat(creatine taken in this drink is optional but works great). Before an hour passes you should eat a normal balanced meal(high protein low fat with carbs). At 2.5 hours after the injection you should Consume a small meal. keep some Gatorade on hand just to make sure. Remember that insulin can still work much later so be careful and eat if you feel hypoglycemia symptoms. Once again I've stated this twice because it is important.

***Some insulin users recommend far less carbs than I have stated above. This is a personal decision you will have to make since it could be very dangerous...Even deadly! My opinion is to take the carbs and learn to diet after bulking if you gain too much fat.***
How long should/can I take insulin?

Short cycles please because you could have side effects. It is suspected that you could become an insulin dependent diabetic but I have never seen proof, but is it worth the risk? I would only use it a few times a week(maximum 4 on 3 off) for no more than 3/4 weeks.

What should I avoid while using insulin? Do not use alcohol. It lowers blood sugar, and you may experience dangerously low blood sugar levels

 Do not change your workout in the middle of a cycle of insulin. Changes in how much you exercise can change the amount of insulin you can tolerate and maintain blood sugar levels.

Do not take any recreational drugs at the same time as insulin since they could mask symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Do not change the brand of insulin or syringe that you are using without first talking to a doctor or pharmacist. Some brands of insulin and syringes are interchangeable, while others are not.

Do not use insulin if you are sick with a cold, flu, or fever. These illnesses may change your insulin requirements..

Do not use any insulin that is discolored, looks thick, has particles in it, or looks different from the way it looked when you bought it.

Do not use OTC drugs that will cause drowsiness within 6 hours of using insulin.

Do not go to sleep within 4/6 hours of using insulin since you can develop hypoglycemia while asleep and not have warning signs.

What are the possible side effects of insulin besides hypoglycemia?

Rarely, people have allergic reactions to insulin. Seek emergency medical attention if you experience an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of your throat; swelling of your lips, tongue, or face; or hives).

Hypothetically, one could become an insulin dependent diabetic if insulin is used too long
If this were to happen..... then you almost deserve it for abusing slin....

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HGH FRAG 176-191 Results

Our data, in anesthetized rats, thus, indicate that relative hypoperfusion associated with hypoxemia adds an adverse effect based on ECoG. Total power of the signal, which represents global electrical activity, is significantly reduced. This is not the case when CBF response to hypoxemia is preserved (in the same animals).

A slowing of the frequencies of the ECoG content is present in this case. A balanced change in the frequency composition of ECoG (i.e. HGH FRAG 176-191 in high frequencies and increase in low frequencies) occurs at moderate levels of hypoxemia and are in keeping with known intracellular changes in excitability in response to an O2 sensing mechanism.

The effect of the vascular response to hypoxemia on the global amount of cortical electrical activity suggests important clinical consequences in patients with impaired cerebral circulation (OSA patients) or during adaptation to high altitude.

Additional studies using O2 free radicals modifiers (scavengers or transgenic animals) in our paradigm would give further insight on the mechanisms and cerebral consequences of hypoxemia.

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CJC 1295 info for the beginner

CJC 1295 is a research peptide composed of a long amino acid chain which functions as a growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) when injected. It is important to note that CJC 1295 is a research product and currently NOT approved for use but some studies have been very promising.

For instance a study of men between the age of 53-68 years old showed improvement in lean body mass, muscle gain and strength over a three month testing period. The men were administered high doses of CJC 1295 three times per day during this time. None of the participants were asked to change their normal routines. Specifically the men taking the high doses of cjc 1295 over the three months saw gains of 7+ kg (15.4 pounds) of muscle during this time and no health issues were reported.

cjc1295 study results

The problem is with the dosing, the study participants were administered 4mg of cjc 1295 daily divided into three injections. This is equivalent to two 2000mcg vials of the peptide each day! The reason for such high and frequent doses is due to the half-life of the peptide. CJC 1295 has a half-life of just 10 minutes or less when administered and it is most effective when taken during a normal “growth hormone pulse”.

The human body does not release growth hormone continuously throughout the day it happens during certain times of the day which is known as a pulse. These pulses occur typically after strenuous physical exertion (like a workout) in the morning before eating and again in the evening before bed. Eating has a negative effect on growth hormone pulses due to the insulin level rising and suppressing the growth hormone pulse.

This can be problematic because if the peptide is not taken during a natural pulse the GH release effect will not be as great as when taken during a GH pulse.

There are a few solutions to this however. The first is through a peptide known as CJC 1295 DAC, DAC stands for Drug Affinity Complex and is designed to increase the half-life of the cjc peptide to up to EIGHT days. What this means is that every time the body experience a GH pulse there is an increase in natural growth hormone release over the course of several days. It has been found that a single dose of cjc 1295 dac can increase GH levels 2-10 times up to 6 days later!

Another solution that has been discovered is the use of a growth hormone releasing peptide (GHRP) like GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin in conjunction with plain cjc-1295. The reason for this is that these GHRP’s create a GH pulse which means that the CJC-1295 will be able to work effectively. This is typically done multiple times per day for several weeks and is credited for improved muscle building and fat loss properties due to infrequent “short burst” releases as opposed to sustained releases over time, although there is no proven research to support this claim.

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Complete step-by-step guide for peptide beginners

Complete step-by-step guide for peptide beginners

1 - You are on this site because you have heard of and want to become more familiar with Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP) and/or Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH). These 2 materials administered can give you an increased quality of life in ways of anti-aging, muscular hypertrophy, fat loss, injury repair, higher bone density, and better sleep.

2 - GHRP can be used on its own to increase our natural Growth Hormone (GH) pulse release from the Pituitary Gland in the brain. GHRP dosed in conjunction with GHRH will amplify our growth hormone release significantly to gain maximal benefit.

3 - There are various types of GHRH's. The only GHRH to consider is tetra-substituted CJC-1295 / CJC-1295(without DAC) / modGRF(1-29). They are all the same thing but with a different name. They come in vials ranging in material weights measured in milligrams (mg) consisting of a solid freeze-dried (lyophilized) substance.

4 - There are various types of GHRP's. GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Hexarelin, and Imaporelin. The differences between them are potency and side effects. GHRP-6 is very potent and makes you quite hungry. GHRP-2 is potent and can slightly affect your sleep somewhat. Hexarelin is very potent but you can desensitize from higher dosages. Imaporelin is potent with the minimalist side effects of all 4 GHRP's.

5 - Peptides are dosed via a regular 1mL needle syringe typical to what a diabetic would use. It is administered Subcutaneously (SubQ) (just under the skin into the fat tissue), most usually around the abdomen region.

6 - The required amount (saturation dose) is 1mcg (microgram) per Kg (Kilogram) of bodyweight. The typical usage and for ease of measuring is 100mcg of modGRF(1-29) and/or 100mcg of your choice of GHRP. Lower dosages will simply result in less GH release due to a slightly weaker GH pulse and reduce any side effects you may have. A higher dose will have minimal benefit and is more a waste of money than anything else. But, in saying that, the more frequently dosed in any given day would result in more frequent pulses.

7 - Mixing (reconstitution) the lyophilized product in their vials with Bacteriostatic Water (BW) can take some getting used to. The idea is not to add too much dilution. Typical rule of thumb is to add 0.5mL of BW to 1mg of Peptide. So a 2mg vial should reconstitute with 1mL BW. 5mg with 2.5mL, 10mg with 5mL, etc. Squirt the BW along the inside wall of the vial in a smooth controlled manner being cautious not to agitate the mixture too much. It will dissolve itself and become clear. You can roll the vial gently between your fingers or hands but don't shake it to dissolve. The reconstitute is ok to be drawn once fully dissolved.

8 - On a 1mL needle, there are either 50 tick marks from 0-100, skipping every odd number OR 100 international units (IU). A 100mcg dose is half way between the 2nd and 3rd tick mark, OR 5 IU's (if you followed the above reconstitution). There are no half tick marks. It is OK to draw modGRF and GHRP into the one needle for a single shot. It is NOT OK to mix peptides in the same vial or syringe for storage.

9 - Reconstituted peptide should be stored in the refrigerator to prevent degradation. Left at room temperature, peptide will degrade within days but kept in the fridge will last months. You can pre-load syringes and store in freezer if you want but it is more of a hassle than being worth the effort.

10 - Doses can be taken throughout the day but at no less than 3 hour intervals between doses. 1 dose a day is typical for light injury repair, anti-aging effects, deeper sleep, and better quality of life. The most beneficial would be to dose immediately prior to going to bed for your daily sleep period. Sleep is the time when our pituitary is most active. 2 or 3 doses per day will give the added benefit of lean tissue build, and fat loss, considering your diet consists of good quality foods.

11 - Doses should be taken on empty stomach to benefit the most. This is usually 3 hours or more.

12 - Do not consume food for between 15-30 minutes after your dosage. Best time is around 20-25 minute mark. GH pulses should peak within about 10 minutes after dosage. Fats and Carbohydrates affect the pulse dramatically. Protein has no effect on pulse and you can have a pure protein source in your stomach at anytime if you so choose to.

13 - Dosage timing can be beneficial to your goals. For muscle growth, the 2nd most beneficial time to dose is post workout (PWO). Best time is pre-bed because sleep is when we recover and our cells repair and grow. Within 30 minutes should be fine but sooner the better. Remember to have your meal 20-25 minutes after dose.

14 - For fat loss, your supplemental dose is 1 hour pre-cardio exercise after a long fasting without food. Best time is after waking up and before breakfast. During cardio exercise, maintain a moderate intensity for between 30-60 minutes. 45 minutes is a good session. You do not want to go too hard or too long. A moderate pace will utilize Free Fatty Acids (FFA) at the highest rate for energy. Refrain from eating for approximately 2 hours after your exercise because this is the time the body is still burning fat as fuel. You must eat throughout the day to reduce the chance of muscle catabolism (breakdown).

15 - These Peptides can be used on a daily basis for the rest of your life without any harm. Enjoy!!!
Written and Thanks goes to Aussie

Peptide Combinations Guide

Peptide Combinations Guide

Growth Hormone (GH) and IGF-1 are naturally occurring hormones in the human body responsible for many enviable aesthetic traits such as muscle mass, leanness and a firm/even skin tone. As people age, levels of growth hormone rapidly decline and this is one of the main reasons humans put on weight, lose muscle mass and develop sagging/uneven skin. It's no surprise then that synthetic Human Growth Hormone is a sought after product for anti-aging by persons looking to remain youthful, bodybuilders looking to put on muscle mass and people in general who are looking to "tone up" or lose stubborn belly fat.

It is important to note that the products mentioned on this website are not the actual synthetic HGH (although HGH Frag 176-191 is the part of the "real" HGH which contributes to fat loss only). But in many respects these peptide analogues are far superior to the HGH 191aa drug for 3 reasons:
Actual HGH is very difficult or impossible to obtain in most countries and is one of the most faked/counterfeit drugs sold online.

If HGH can be obtained legally from a physician for anti-aging it's extremely expensive, with 10iu (units) costing as much as $200USD. As a comparison, the 10iu equivalent of GH releasing peptides (approximately half of one vial) sells online for approximately $20USD, a full 90% cheaper than actual HGH for the same, if not better, positive effects on the body.

Since actual HGH shuts down the body's natural pituitary gland, when you stop injecting it, your body's own ability to produce Growth Hormone is hindered and you will suffer a rebound of negative side effects such as fat gain, muscle loss and loss of skin tone/elasticity. This means you may end up doing yourself more harm than good. Since GH releasing peptides only stimulate your body's own natural production, there is no rebound negative effects if you stop usage.

The following guide indicates the best way to combine different peptides depending on your experience level of diet/training and also your goal:

Fat Loss
Muscle Building

As a general introduction, you should understand the different classes of peptides as this largely determines their combinations:

Growth Hormone Releasing Hormones (GHRH): include Modified GRF 1-29 and CJC-1295 DAC, are peptides which stimulate the pituitary gland to release stores of the body's natural Growth Hormone (GH).

Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP): include Ipamorelin, GHRP-2 and GHRP-6, peptides which stimulate the release of a hormone called "Ghrelin" in the stomach, which then in turn causes GH to be released. GHRP's cause a much more significant release of GH than do GHRH, meaning that mg for mg, a peptide like GHRP-6 is three times more potent than Modified GRF 1-29. However, when taken together, they become approximately ten times more potent than either one alone.

IGF-1 Peptides: include IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1e (also known as MGF or Mechano Growth Factor). IGF-1 is responsible for many of the positive effects of GH on fat loss and muscle building therefore they offer a good addition, especially if your goal is to build muscle, as they are both responsible for creating new muscle cells which can hypertrophy (get bigger) through weight training.

HGH Fragment 176-191: is a peptide which does not stimulate the release of GH but is instead a piece (or "fragment") of the full synthetic 191aa HGH molecule. More importantly, it is the fragment of GH which is responsible for fat loss, meaning it gives all of the fat loss benefits without any side effects.

As a general rule, regardless of your goal, if you are just looking to take one product, with the least amount of fuss and injections as possible, then it should be CJC-1295 DAC at 2mg (1 vial) per week. Due to its long half-life it causes your overall level of GH (Growth Hormone) to rise, and you will therefore see some improvements in things which go along with having higher levels of GH and IGF-1 such as improved body shape, sleep, skin and general wellbeing (although it can make you tired for the first 1-2 weeks while the body adjusts). Your dosage can be taken as just one injection per week (note that you may notice a head rush/flushing for 15-20 minutes after your injection due to the release of GABA in the body, a sign the product is working).
For information about more intricate and advanced usage of GH peptides please read on.

Fat Loss

The most potent weight loss peptide is HGH Fragment 176-191 which is the part of the Growth Hormone molecule responsible for fat burning. In HGH Frag Studies, it has been proven to reduce body fat, particularly in the abdominal area. The second most potent fat loss peptide is CJC-1295 DAC since it causes the overall GH level to rise in the body (the opposite of what happens naturally as a person gets older, which is why people tend to put on weight as they age). If your only goal is fat loss, it's often best to avoid the use of GHRP products (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin) since they can stimulate hunger and/or raise cortisol, both of which can be counterproductive to fat burning.

Diet Considerations

For GH to exhibit its fat burning effects, insulin must NOT be present. Insulin release in the body is caused mainly by consuming carbohydrates, although all types of macronutrients (carbs, fat and protein) still cause the release of insulin to some extent. Since HGH Frag works by causing the body to break down and release stored fat for use as energy, if you have recently consumed calories (food or beverage) your body will just use that for energy instead and little extra fat will be burnt. If however there is no food present for the body to use as energy, it will use the stored fat which the HGH Frag has caused to be released and you will notice reductions in body fat over the ensuing weeks.

Due to CJC-1295 DAC's long half-life the timing of meals is not important and this is what makes it an appealing addition to HGH Frag 176-191 to accelerate fat loss. To get the most out of your peptide usage for fat loss, the following guidelines should be followed:

Avoid eating/drinking anything with calories for three (3) hours either side of your injection.
Try to make all your meals throughout the day high protein, low fat and low carbohydrates (eg. meat/fish with vegetables/salad).
Have as few meals as possible during the day as periods of fasting have been shown in many studies to improve fat loss and also longevity (i.e. eating less will make you live longer).

Sample Peptide Cycles


HGH Frag 176-191 at 250-500mcg per day.


HGH Frag 176-191 at 250-500mcg per day + CJC-1295 DAC at 300mcg per day or;
HGH Frag 176-191 at 250-500mcg per day + Modified GRF 1-29 at 100-300mcg per day (split into dosages of 100mcg)

Example Injection Routines

Example 1 - Night Time Injection (recommended)
Ensure you do not eat or drink anything containing calories within three (3) hours of going to bed (with the exception of water, diet sodas, coffee/tea with artificial sweeteners).
Take your HGH Frag 176-191 injection just before getting into bed and your body will therefore be burning stored fat for the duration of your sleep.
If possible, do some cardio first thing in the morning and wait as long as possible before having breakfast to allow the fat burning to continue throughout the morning/day.

Example 2 - Morning Injection
Wake up and inject your HGH Frag 176-191 (250mcg to 500mcg is a good dosage depending on your budget).
Wait as long as possible before having your first meal (the longer you wait the more fat you will burn).
When you do eat, try to make the meal high protein, low fat and low carbohydrate (example meat and salad/vegetables).
If possible, try to do some cardio in the hours after your injection to increase the fat burning effect.

Note: If you are a person concerned about loss of muscle mass, you can consume a small amount of protein every 2-3 hours (amino acid tablets such as EAA and BCAA are good for this purpose and can be purchased from any health food shop or ordered online). However there is little reason to be concerned about muscle loss because when fat is available for energy, such as following HGH Frag 176-191 injections, protein and therefore muscle mass are spared.

Adding CJC-1295 DAC
You can add CJC-1295 DAC at 2mg once per week (or 300mcg each day along with your HGH Frag 176-191 injections - they can be mixed in the same syringe without any issues). You should take a break from CJC-1295 DAC every few months to give your pituitary gland a rest at which time you can continue to use HGH Frag 176-191 on its own, or you can substitute the CJC-1295 DAC with the short acting Modified GRF 1-29 at 100-300mcg per day (split into injections of 100mcg).

Muscle Building

Growth Hormone (GH) exhibits its muscle building effects mainly after its conversion to IGF-1 (Insulin-Like-Growth Factor). This makes IGF-1 an ideal choice of peptides for muscle building, especially since the IGF-1 LR3 version has an extended half-life which allows it to remain active in the muscles for many hours to complete its muscle building stimulatory effects. Likewise, if injected after a workout, the IGF-1 variant Mechano Growth Factor (also known as MGF or IGF-1e) is known to multiply muscle cells and contribute to muscle development. Furthermore, since IGF-1 is a by-product of GH, any peptide which increases levels of GH in the body such as a GHRP product or CJC-1295 product will obviously lead to increased lean muscle mass.

Diet Considerations
For Growth Hormone (GH) to perform its anabolic (muscle building) affects it requires the presence of the body's most anabolic hormone: insulin. This is in contrast to GH related fat loss which requires insulin to be absent. However, since GHRP and fast-acting GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) products (i.e. Modified GRF 1-29) still need time to stimulate the body to release GH from the pituitary gland, the insulin spike must come after the injection and not before, otherwise the GH release will be blunted.

The only exception to this is of course CJC-1295 DAC since it's long-half life and continual release of GH means it is not affected by food timing.
To get the most out of your peptide usage for muscle building, the following guidelines should be followed:

If injecting just a GHRP or GHRH product on their own, avoid eating/drinking anything high in fat for 3 hours before your injection and anything high in carbohydrates for 2 hours before (i.e. always do your injection on an empty stomach), otherwise the amount of GH release they cause may be significantly blunted leading to poor results.
If injecting both a GHRP and GHRH together (e.g. 100mcg of both GHRP-6 and Modified GRF 1-29) studies have proven that their ability to release GH returns to full-strength as little as 1 hour (60 minutes) post-meal. This gives users greater flexibility with their meal timings, especially since consuming sufficient calories is so critical to building muscle.
Whether injecting GH peptides alone or along with others, always wait at least 20 minutes after your injection before consuming anything. Once at least 20 minutes has passed, consume a food/beverage high in protein and/or carbohydrates to stimulate an insulin spike (if you inject in the morning and around your workout, this meal/shake should be high protein and high carbohydrates, if you inject at night this consumption should be protein only as protein is sufficient enough to spike insulin, but without the negative impact on fat gain which carbohydrates can contribute to).

Sample Peptide Cycles


CJC-1295 DAC at 2mg per week or;
GHRP Product (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin) at 200mcg once per day.


GHRP Product at 200mcg + Mod. GRF 1-29 at 100mcg (2 times per day) or;
GHRP Product at 200mcg + CJC-1295 DAC at 100mcg per day (2 times per day).


GHRP Product at 200mcg + CJC-1295 DAC at 100mcg (2 times per day) + IGF-1 at 50mcg after workouts or;
GHRP Product at 200mcg + Mod. GRF 1-29 at 100mcg (2 times per day) + PEG-MGF at 200mcg after workouts.

Example Injection Routines


CJC-1295 DAC
2mg taken once per week, at any time of day.

GHRP + GHRH (once per day)
Inject your dosage (ensuring you have not consumed any food/beverages for at least 1 hour before, an optimal time would be first thing in the morning).
Ingest a protein only or protein and carbohydrate meal afterward to create an insulin spike.
Do weight training in the hours afterwards.


GHRP + GHRH (twice per day)
Inject your GHRP + GHRH peptides together in the same syringe (ensuring you have not consumed any food/beverages for at least 1 hour before, an optimal time would be first thing in the morning).
Ingest a protein only or protein and carbohydrate meal afterward to create an insulin spike.
Do weight training in the hours afterwards.
at least 1 hour after your dinner (or last meal of the day), take your second GHRP + GHRH injection.
If you are trying to control your body fat then have a protein only meal 20-30 minutes afterwards, otherwise a protein/carbohydrate meal will create a better insulin spike.


Follow the same routine as shown above for "intermediate" persons. However, as soon as possible after your weight training you should also inject 200mcg of PEG-MGF (IGF-1e) and/or 50mcg of IGF-1 LR3 preferably into a muscle (although due to the long half-life of both products, sub-q injections are also acceptable). If injecting intramuscularly, you should make sure that the muscle you are injecting into is not covered by a thick layer of fat. Usually due to the length of insulin syringe needles, injections are therefore limited to the biceps for most persons.

While GHRP + GHRH can be injected each day with great benefit, even if you don't do weight training on that day. On the other hand, IGF-1 LR3 and MGF injections should be reserved for post-workout only.


For the Anti-Aging crowd, we recommend choosing only 1 peptide, rather than a combination. The reason for this is that as you get older your GH levels decline rapidly and therefore you will benefit from any kind of GH increase meaning there is no need to overdo things with multiple peptides. If you wish to use more than one peptide, we recommend cycling a GHRP product (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin) every 3-6 months with CJC-1295 DAC for two reasons.

The first reason is that CJC-1295 DAC is a GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) acting directly at the pituitary, while GHRP products indirectly stimulate GH by causing the release of Ghrelin. Rotating the products would therefore ensure one method of GH stimulation does not get "worn out" from repeated exposure to the peptides. The second reason is that even though CJC-1295 DAC has been proven safe in much higher dosages than we recommend, since it causes a continual GH release (GH bleed) no one can be certain how continual use would affect the pituitary in the long-term, so it's a case of being "better safe than sorry" and never using it for longer than 6 months at a time without a break.

Diet Considerations

For CJC-1295 DAC there are no particular diet restrictions that need to be followed due to its long half-life. For GHRP products the following should be observed as insulin and fatty acids can blunt the release of GH in the body and therefore make your injections less effective:
Avoid eating/drinking anything high in fat for 3 hours before your injection and anything high in carbohydrates for 1-2 hours (always do your injection on an empty stomach).
Wait at least 20 minutes after your injection before eating/drinking anything with calories.

Injection Amounts

CJC-1295 DAC taken at 2000mcg (2mg) once per week or;
GHRP Product (GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin) taken at 200mcg per day.

Example Injection Routines

CJC-1295 DAC
2mg taken once per week, at any time of day.

GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin

Example 1 - Night Time Injection (recommended to reduce possible tiredness during day).
Ensure you have an empty stomach (i.e. 2-3 hours since your last meal).
Inject your GHRP peptide and go straight to bed.

Example 2 - Morning injection
Take your injection of the GHRP product first thing in the morning at 100mcg.
Wait at least 20 minutes before having breakfast or any beverages (including coffee/tea).
(All info gathered via internet)

About CJC-1295

CJC-1295 was developed for clinical trials in the year 2000. The drug was originally synthesized to remove visceral fat deposits in AIDS patients. CJC 1295 was ultimately successful on all research subjects, as increasing the level of growth hormone in the body proved to increase fat loss.
 Various experiments have been conducted to test the effectiveness of CJC-1295 in vivo and the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has reported dose-dependent increases in mean plasma GH concentrations by 2-10 fold for more than 6 days and increased IGF-1 concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days after a single injection

 Not only that but they proved the mean half life to be 5.8-8.1 days and after multiple doses showed mean IGF-1 levels remained above baseline for up to 28 days following! No serious adverse reactions were reported in any group.

 Another very positive benefit of CJC-1295/CJC-1293 is its ability to promote slow wave sleep. Slow wave sleep is also known as deep sleep and is the portion of sleep responsible for the highest level of muscle growth and memory retention. SWS are decreased significantly in older adults and also with people who tend to exercise later in the evening.

 This peptide has a benefit to side effect ratio that exceeds all others currently being legally sold and would make a great addition to ones training regimen or post cycle therapy.

CJC-1295 has the ability to make the body produce its own GH as compared to using synthetic HGH.  GHRP-6 in conjunction with CJC-1295 is synergistic, amplifying the GH pulse considerably. Studies have shown that CJC-1295 also promotes slow-wave sleep, the kind of sleep responsible for muscle growth and increased memory retention.

 There are three popular and clinically proven GHRH analogs on the market today, CJC-1293, CJC-1295, CJC-1295 DAC, and Sermorelin. CJC-1293 is a longer lasting peptide- it is sometimes also referred to as tetrasubstituted GRF(1-29) or Modified Sermorelin.

 The half life of Research peptide CJC1295 is more desirable and establishes a significant enough of a GH pulse to increase IGF-1 levels and GH levels. However, it's pulsatile release is more of a sustained-consistent release that does not necessarily mimic that of the pituitary gland.

 The CJC-1295 & the total 24 hour dosing of GHRP-6 together comprise a single comparison with exogenic GH administration.

More Peptide Info...

Bodybuilding Peptides 101

Bodybuilding Peptides 101

What types of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormones are there?

Growth Hormone Releasing Hormones (GHRH) (amplifies the Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) initiated pulse):
- GRF(1-44) - half-life is less than 5-10 minutes
- GRF(1-29) Sermorelin - half-life is less than 5-10 minutes
- Modified GRF(1-29) or CJC-1295 w/o the DAC - Half-life at least 30 minutes
- CJC-1295 (with DAC) - Half-life measured in days

Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) pulses can only last less than 30 minutes before your body has used out the potential for a single growth hormone pulse. Since another pulse won't be generated for about 2.5 - 3 hours hormones that last more than 30 minutes up to 3 hours are not any more beneficial.

The administration of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) creates a pulse of growth hormone release which will be small if administered during a natural growth hormone trough and higher if administered during a rising natural growth hormone wave.

What types of Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides are there?

Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) (Growth hormone pulse initiators):
- Ipamorelin is potent but the weakest growth hormone releaser. It does not increase cortisol or prolactin at any dose.
- GHRP-6 is very potent in effecting growth hormone release. It does not effect cortisol or prolactin up to a 100mcg dose, but does so minimally above 100mcg.
- GHRP-2 is a little bit more potent then GHRP-6. It also has a stronger effect on these hormones at all dosing levels rising to the high normal range for cortisol and prolactin.
- Hexarelin the strongest is a little more potent then GHRP-2. At all dosing levels it has the strongest impact on cortisol and prolactin with levels in the upper bounds of normalcy.

Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) can become desensitized with constant usage throughout the day. Ipamorelin and GHRP-6 do not desensitize as long as there are short breaks between doses minimal 2 hours. GHRP-2 does not desensitize in the lower dose ranges without short breaks. At high dose it is unclear, but some desensitization may occur. Hexarelin has been shown to desensitize without regard to dose and even with short breaks between doses. This effect shows up after 14 days of continuous use and may be avoided by either keeping doses low or taking a full day or two off every two weeks.

Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) are capable of creating a larger pulse of growth hormone on their own than Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and they do this with much more consistency and predictability without regard to whether a natural wave or trough of growth hormone is currently taking place.

How much Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) should be used?

The saturation dose in most studies is defined as 100mcg or 1mcg/kg per growth hormone pulse.

How long should Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) be used?

In most studies no adverse side effects were reported with use for 4-8 weeks (per the dosage limits in the above answer) followed by 4 weeks of non-use.

How much Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) should be used?

The saturation dose in most studies on Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) is defined as either 100mcg or 1mcg/kg. However that would assume a 100% pure peptide. Note: In general you it is recommended that your dose is rounded up to 150mcg unless the manufacturer advises otherwise.

This means that 100mcg will saturate the receptors fully, but if you add another 100mcg to that dose only 50% of that portion will be effective. If you add an additional 100mcg to that dose only about 25% will be effective. Perhaps a final 100mcg might add a little something to growth hormone release but that is it.

If 100mcg is the saturation dose, you could add more (up to 300-400mcg) and get a little more effect. A 500mcg dose will not be more effective than a 400mcg, perhaps not even more effective than 300mcg.

The additional problems with higher dosages are desensitization and cortisol/prolactin side-effects.

Ipamorelin and GHRP-6 at the saturation dose of 100mcg does not really increase prolactin & cortisol but may do so slightly at higher doses. This rise is still within the normal range. It can be used at saturation dose (100mcg) three or four times a day without risk of desensitization.

GHRP-2 is more effective then GHRP-6 at causing growth hormone release but at the saturation dose of a 100mcg or higher may produce a slight to moderate increase in prolactin & cortisol. This rise is still within the normal range although doses of 200 - 400mcg might make it the high end of the normal range. It can be used at saturation dose several times a day will not result in desensitization.

Hexarelin in general is the most effective at causing an increase in growth hormone release. However it has the highest potential to also increase cortisol & prolactin. This rise will occur even at the 100mcg saturation dose. This rise will reach the higher levels of what is defined as normal. It has been shown to bring about desensitization but in a long-term study the pituitary recovered its sensitivity so that there was not long-term loss of sensitivity at saturation dose. Even at 100mcg three times a day will likely lead to some down regulation within 14 days.

If desensitization were to ever occur for any of these Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) simply stop administering them for several days and this will remedy the effect.

How long should Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) be used?

In most studies no adverse side effects were reported with continuous use per the dosage limits in the above answer.

Does Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) work together better?

It is well documented and established that the concurrent administration of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) results in synergistic release of growth hormone from pituitary.

In other words if Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) contributes a growth hormone amount quantified as the number 2 and Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) contributed a growth hormone amount quantified as the number 4 the total growth hormone release is not additive (i.e. 2 + 4 = 6). Rather the whole is greater than the sum of the parts such that 2 + 4 = 12.

Can Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH CJC-1295) be used alone?

The problem with using only Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) (even the stronger analogs) is that they are only effective when Somatostatin is low (the growth hormone inhibiting hormone). So if you administer it in a trough (or when a growth hormone pulse is not naturally occurring) you will add very little growth hormone release. If however you administer it during a rising wave or growth hormone pulse (Somatostatin will not be active at this point) you will add to growth hormone release.

Can Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) be used alone?

Yes. They are capable of creating a larger pulse of growth hormone on their own than Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and they do this with much more consistency and predictability without regard to whether a natural wave or trough of growth hormone is currently taking place.

What is a typical protocol for Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP)?

Studies have suggested the following:
A typical conservation protocol would be:
100-200mcg of Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP)
Approximately 5-7 days a week - subcutaneous injections

This can be used once, twice, three or four times a day to make it more effective.
When dosing multiple times a day at least 3 hours should separate the administrations.

A more aggressive protocol would be:
100-200mcg of Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP) plus
100-300mcg of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH).
Approximately 5-7 days a week - subcutaneous injections

This can be used once, twice, three or four times a day to make it more effective.
When dosing multiple times a day at least 3 hours should separate the administrations.

Studies suggest that a once a day dosing pre-bed will give a restorative amount of growth hormone while multiple dosing and/or higher levels will give higher growth hormone & IGF-1 levels which will lead to muscle gain, fatloss and/or injury repair.

Should food be consumed before or after the injection of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and/or Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP)?

Studies have shown that administration should ideally be done on either an empty stomach or with only protein in the stomach. Fats and carbohydrates blunt growth hormone release. After administering the peptides wait about 20 minutes (no more than 30 but no less than 15 minutes) to eat. At that point the growth hormone pulse has reached its peak and you can eat what you want.

Synthetic Growth Hormone

What is Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191?

The HGH Fragment is a modified form of amino acids 176-191 at the C-terminal region of the human growth hormone (HGH). Studies have shown that it works by mimicking the way natural HGH regulates fat metabolism but without the adverse effects on insulin sensitivity (blood sugar) or cell proliferation (muscle growth) that is seen with unmodified HGH. Like unmodified GH, the HGH fragment 176-191 stimulates lipolysis (breaking down of fat) and inhibits lipogenesis (the formation of fatty acids and other lipids in the body).

HGH fragment 176-191 is meant to be 12.5 times stronger than human growth hormone (HGH) for weight loss than standard human growth hormone (HGH).

Of particular note is that in studies HGH fragment 176-191 had the ability to increase IGF-1 levels which translates into the fragments ability to give anti-aging effects.

How much Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191 should be used?

In most studies favorable results have been shown with dosages between 500-1000mcg or 5-10mcg/kg split into multiple dosages per day.

How long should Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191 be used?

In most studies no adverse side effects were reported with continuous use per the dosage limits in the above answer.

What is a typical protocol for Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191?

Studies have suggested the following:
A typical conservation protocol would be:
250mcg in the morning plus
250mcg pre lunch plus
250mcg in the evening (pre-bed).
Approximately 5-7 days a week - subcutaneous injections

A more aggressive protocol would be:
350mcg in the morning plus
350mcg 30 minutes prior to training
350mcg in the evening (pre-bed).
Approximately 5-7 days a week - subcutaneous injections

When dosing multiple times a day at least 3 hours should separate the administrations.

Should food be consumed before or after the injection of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191?
Studies have shown that administration should ideally be done on either an empty stomach or with only protein in the stomach. Fats and carbohydrates blunt growth hormone release. After administering the peptides wait about 20 minutes (no more than 30 but no less than 15 minutes) to eat. At that point the growth hormone pulse has reached its peak and you can eat what you want

by: GeauxDATY


Subcutaneous Insulin Syringe Injection

Subcutaneous Insulin Syringe Injection

A subcutaneous peptide injection is given in the layer between the skin and muscle. Your caregiver chose this kind of shot because of one or more of these reasons:
subq injection
  • The amount of peptide to be administered. Small amounts of research peptides are given by subcutaneous injection.
  • The kind of peptide to be given. Certain peptides must be dosed into the subcutaneous space.
  • The speed at which the hormone needs to act. Peptides that need to work slowly are injected subcutaneously.

What to know about insulin syringes?

insulin syringe
  • A syringe has 3 major parts: the needle, the barrel and the plunger. The needle goes under the skin to put in amino acid peptide hormones. The barrel holds the dosage. The barrel has markings like a ruler. Tick marks are for mL's (milliliters). The plunger is used to get dose into and out of the insulin syringe.
  • Subcutaneous shots must be given in small amounts. You will usually get an insulin syringe for a subcutaneous injection. Insulin syringes will hold a maximum of 1 mL or 100 units. The syringe shows divisions well marked with 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100. 100 is the same as 1 ml.  The marking at 50 is the same as half of a ml.

Where to give a subcutaneous peptide dosage?

There are many sites that are safe for subcutaneous peptide calculator. Following is a list of the sites where subcutaneous shots may be given:
  • Upper Arm: Uncover the arm to the shoulder to see the whole arm. Have the person getting the shot stand with hand on hip. Stand next to and a little behind the person. Find the area in the middle part of the arm, halfway between the elbow and shoulder. Gently grasp the skin at the back of the arm between your thumb and first 2 fingers. You should have 1-2 inches of skin.
  • Abdomen: Uncover the abdomen to see the whole area. Find the waist area. You may give a shot bounded by these landmarks: below the waist, to just above the hip bone, and from where the body curves at the side to about 2 inches from the middle of the abdomen. Avoid the bellybutton. Use the natural line in the middle of the body as a marker. It may be hard to see, but it is there unless it was removed by surgery.
  • Thigh: Uncover the entire leg. Find the area between the knee and hip. The middle of the thigh, from mid-front to mid-side, on the outside part of the thigh is a safe site. Gently grasp the area to make sure you can pinch one to two inches of skin.
  • Lower back: Uncover the back from the waist to the top of the rear-end. A shot may be given just below the waist to a line that runs across the back above the crack between rear end cheeks. Give the peptide calculator dose between the area where the body curves at the hip and a few inches from the spine.
How do I choose a good place for injection? Any of the following sites may be used: upper arm, abdomen, thigh, lower back. It is important to keep track of the sites you use and to use a different site each time you give a shot. Some sites are preferred for certain peptides. If you are giving shots to yourself you may not be able to use your back or your arm.
  • The sites where shots are given should be at least 1 inch away from each other. Picture inch squares, like a checkerboard. A injection may be given into each of those squares. You may choose to rotate your shots through one area, like the left thigh, then begin again in the same area. Or you may rotate through one area then go to another.
  • It is very important to rotate sites. Giving the same site can make the site hard. Hard areas will keep you from using all product properly.

What do I need to give a subcutaneous injection?

  • One alcohol wipe.
  • One sterile 2 x 2 gauze pad.
  • An ampule, vial, or pre-filled syringe containing the peptide.
  • The correct size syringe and needle.
How do I inject into subcutaneous tissue? Please read this section all the way through before giving the shot. It is important to get the general idea of what you are about to do before you begin. You may read this step-by-step procedure again.
  • Subcutaneous administration can be given straight in at a 90 degree angle, or at a 45 degree angle. Give the shot straight in at a 90 degree angle if 2 inches of skin can be grasped between your thumb and first (index) finger. If only 1 inch of skin can be grasped, give the shot at a 45 degree angle.
hold syringe for inject
How can I get rid of used syringes and needles? Your caregiver may have given you a hard plastic container made especially for used syringes and needles. If you were not given this kind of container, look around your home for a hard plastic container with a screw-on top such as:
  • A clothes softener bottle or a hard plastic detergent bottle for washing clothes.
  • Make sure you can put both the syringe and needle into the container easily. Whatever container you choose, make sure that the needles cannot break through the sides, bottom or top.
How do I get product from the vial? A vial is a small bottle with a plastic or metal top covering a rubber stopper. The vial may hold enough peptide dose for one or more admins. If the vial will be used for more than one dose (a multiple dose vial), make sure you write the date you open it on the vial. The peptide for research may be a powder or a liquid.

Never re-use needles, dispose after use

Used needle deterioration

Reconstitute Melanotan II:

  • Remove a syringe from its wrapper. Two syringes are required when beginning a new vial. The first syringe is needed to add the liquid, bacteriostatic water in most cases. The second syringe is needed to administer the shot.
  • Take the metal or plastic top off the sterile saline or sterile distilled water vial. Do not take the rubber stopper off.
  • Use an alcohol wipe to wipe the top of the vial with the sterile liquid used to add to the powder. Wipe the top of the vial with the powdered medicine in it. Do not touch the tops of the vials after wiping them.
A vial has a certain amount of pressure in it. When air or liquid is removed, it must be replaced.
  • You need to add air to the vial in the same amount that you plan to take out in order to get the peptide dosage out of the vial. To do this, you must know how much product mg or mcg or iu/units to inject.
  • Pull the plunger on back to the peptide calculator dosage planned to administer.
  • Insert the needle into the vial and push down on the plunger.
  • Once the air has been pushed into the vial, turn the vial, attached to the syringe, upside down. Make sure the tip of the needle is in. The peptide will come back into the syringe and stop at or near the correct place.
  • When you have the correct amount in the syringe, remove the needle and carefully.

Things that may go wrong:

  • If you put in too much air, the plunger will be difficult to push.
  • If you do not put in enough air, the plunger will be difficult to pull.
  • If you are using a multiple dose vial, too much or too little air may have been put in for a previous dose. If so, you will have to adjust your pull or push on the plunger.


You have the right to care for yourself or your loved one at home. To help with this plan, you must first learn how to give a subcutaneous injection. You always have the right to refuse the instructions on this sheet.
The above information is an educational aid only. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.
