Yes, there are my different opinions on how HGH is to be ran. The biggest
As for dosing:
If an individual is running just 2 iu of hgh per day. First thing in the morning is best.
Running 4 iu's of gh per day, it's best to inject 2 iu of gh first thing in the morning, then the other 2 iu's of gh mid afternoon as that has been medically and scientifically proven men go catabolic around that time. Unfortunately I no longer have the study Nandi (RIP) posted on his board before his passing on.
The other alternative is to run 2 iu of gh AM, and 2 iu of gh right before bed. It's a matter of preference really. Either way on 4 iu you'll most likely obtain the same results.
For fat loss, 2 iu's is ok, but 4-6 iu's of gh daily is ideal for optimum fat loss.
Running HGH for growth. 8-10 iu's( depending on quality of HGH) every day injected every 4 hrs. I spoke to my endocrinologist about this years back and he agreed it was a great way to mimic the pituitary pulses throughout the day. Also in order to get growth from HGH your IGF levels MUST exceed 1000.At 10 iu's your IGF levels will, or should be around 1200.
Myself along with several friends , plus many trainee's experimented with this protocol over the years often.We would run test alone, with an exact diet and training protocol, then run the same test dose along with the 10 iu protocol and everyone always put on more muscle with the Test/HGH protocol. We had hydrostatic testing done before each cycle, as well as after the cycle was complete. So it's not a controlled scientific study, but the results we saw was good enough for us to believe this protocol to be the most effective way to run HGH for growth, coupled with Testosterone