Blast Protocol: HGH Igf-1 and insulin

I highly recommend using a minimal schedule for all short chain sequence peptides, which include igf, insulin and even gh. I recommend using no more than 3 days per week, 2 days is fine, but no more than 3. The reason for this is that we are trying to prevent cell over-saturation and closure. All three products should be used in a similar manner.

The protocol is as follows; inject all products post workout, preferably after training large muscle groups which cause the most glycogen depletion, hence providing faster uptake of peptides. A sample layout is to inject Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Immediately post-workout inject 10-15iu of growth hormone IM, using a insulin pin and inject in any small muscle group such as delts, triceps, or biceps. Wait 20 minutes for the half-life clearance and conversion to IGF-1 to begin its sequence from the growth hormone and then inject a small dose of IGF-1 to create a synergistic super charge of the conversion process. I would recommend no more than 30mcg at this time. 10 minutes later you will take Humalog insulin only, and inject 5iu. I recommend starting with 5iu because Humalog has a very rapid onset and is easy to control with sugar. In conjunction with IGF-1, you will be hyper-sensitive to insulin so start small and slowly work your way up to a maximum dose of 12iu post-workout. You will want to have around 80-100 grams of simple sugars such as dextrose and grape juice and an additional 60 grams of whey protein at the same time as your insulin. You will then eat another moderate glycemic index meal one hour after your high glycemic shake.

The reason for the high dose growth hormone is to take what would normally be your one week intake of HGH and spread it out into 3 equal doses, injected post work out. This will create a truly anabolic rich environment and you will also benefit from full uptake due to your post work out depleted state.
So there is our post-workout regime, 3 days per week. Certainly you should take more than this, shouldn’t you? For most lifters, this protocol will be sufficient for growth. For someone with at least 6 months of gh use, 5 or more cycles of insulin and who no longer responds to typical IGF-1 protocols, the following regime may be followed: In addition to the above outline post-workout method, you may add additional doses of IGF-1 as well as insulin on the same day as your post-workout injection.

I would highly recommend you take 15mcg IGF-1 an additional two times per day. By taking less IGF-1 more often you will prevent cell over-saturation as well as receptor down-regulation. Creating a cell rich environment that saturates the cells infrequently will target massive cell proliferation. In addition you will take insulin 20 minutes after the IGF-1 on those 2 additional injections creating an anabolic rich environment that will last all day, 3 days per week.
For a sample protocol for someone that works out after work, I would recommend you do the following: Take 15mcg upon rising in the morning, followed by 10iu Humulin R or Humalog 20 minutes later. Immediately eat a carbohydrate rich meal with quality protein and low fat such as bananas, oatmeal and egg whites.
For lunch, take another 15mcg IGF-1 with 10iu insulin and have another moderate glycemic carbohydrate meal and protein with minimal fats. Follow the above listed post workout protocol to complete your three time injection schedule which will be used three times per week.

If you follow the outline laid out for you above to the letter, you will put on a massive amount of lean mass with a minimal amount of fat. You will need an anabolic and androgen rich environment to complete the schedule such as testosterone and tren in addition to the peptide products. T3 and T4 will not be necessary on this schedule as your thyroid levels will not be affected.
By: Gavin Kane

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Introduction into IGF-1

Introduction into IGF-1

IGF-1 isn't new. All mammals make IGF-1 and would die without it. IGF-1 secretion in the human body can be thought of as belonging to two separate, broad categories: Autocrine and Paracrine. While there are many versions of IGF-1 in the body, these are the broad categories that need to be understood in order to know exactly what you are doing when supplementing IGF-1. This thread focusses on practical application rather than pure science, as most IGF-1 researchers reading this material are bound to have more interest in actual effects of the product than its chemistry or whatnot.

Firstly, definitions

Autocrine: An IGF-1 molecule that is expressed by the cell for use within itself is known as autocrine IGF-1. This IGF is only active within the cell itself and on its surface. AAS increase the expression of IGF-1 by muscle cells. Cancerous tumors, for example, express autocrine IGF-1 much more than normal cells, and that is one factor of their unnaturally accelerated growth, division and multiplication.

Paracrine: Also known as systemic IGF-1, this molecule is synthesized by the liver. Its synthesis is rate-limited by the availability in the liver of both insulin and growth hormone and is the main reason for the widely known synergy between insulin and hGH administration. This IGF-1 acts differently than the autocrine and it effects every organ in the body. It is also the main vector of effects of hGH administration, meaning that most of the effects gained by hGH administration can also be gained by directly administering IGF-1. All IGF-1 administration is of the paracrine type.

IGFBP: This is a binding protein that plays much the same function to IGF-1 as SHBG, or sex hormone binding globulin plays to testosterone and estrogen. A binding protein holds on to its target molecule, temporarily inactivating it. The dynamics of IGFBP are somewhat complex, but let it be known that IGFBP is sort of a nemesis to IGF-1 since it renders it inactive.

Long R3 IGF-1: I will spare you the boring details of why it is called Long R3 and rather go into how it is functionally different from the natural form. The normal IGF-1 molecule has a very short half-life, approximately 20 minutes. It is either taken up by IGF-1 receptors on cells, or inactivated by IGFBPs. This is the reason why people injected huge amounts of many mg every day of IGF-1 15 years ago, whereas today the normal dose in a few dozen micrograms. What happened? Someone modified the natural IGF-1 molecule just enough that it would retain all its good properties and yet would resist being bound by IGFBPs. This is the Long R3 form of IGF-1. This is what you buy, practically no one tries to sell the natural form anymore. This has a half-life of about 12 hours.

Media Grade: This is the more usual grade of Long R3 IGF-1 that you see on the market. It is about 95% pure IGF-1 with some other incomplete peptides in it. And since the dose of IGF-1 is so small, the maximum 5% impurities of media grade represent a truly tiny amount. And the meaning of impurities in this context is simply some amino acids, either loose or in peptide form. In all likelihood that 5% of non-IGF-1 peptides is truly harmless.

Receptor Grade: Receptor-grade IGF-1 is guaranteed to be at least 99% pure Long R3 IGF-1 peptide. This grade is only used in advanced human trials in very specific spots on the planet. It is a truly rare thing and does not offer the bodybuilder any real-life advantage over media grade. It is also unavailable. There has been batches of some substance sold as "Receptor grade IGF-1" over the last year or so and here a very serious warning must be given. There is a peptide which is only the receptor binding portion of the IGF-1 molecule, which is a cellular lab product which contains bovine peptides and prions. This stuff has no other function than to bind to the IGF-1 receptor. It has no beneficial properties but blocks the receptor from being used by actual IGF-1. Some very bad or misinformed people have been selling this to bodybuilders as receptor grade IGF-1. This stuff can be very toxic. Prions cause CNS trouble of which mad cow disease is an example.

AA: Short for Acetic Acid, a commonly-used solvent for diluting the IGF-1 powder. This is said to keep the fragile IGF-1 molecule more stable than other solvents. This point is heavily debated. AA is an acid and it tends to kill whichever tissue you inject it into. It is best to dilute the IGF-1 with as little AA as can be done, and then to dilute this solution again when injecting so as to damage the target tissue as little as possible.

BW: Bacteriostatic water. This is simply purified water mixed with 0.9% Berylic Alcohol. Microorganisms cannot survive in this water. It is a very common solvent for injections and should be easily obtainable even from your local drugstore. BW is not an ideal solvent for long-term IGF-1 solution and storage as it tends to degrade much more quickly in BW than in AA. Again there is much debate as to how quickly IGF-1 does degrade in BW.

Secondly, Effects

Muscle satellite cell prolferation is the single most important effect of IGF-1 to us bodybuilders. In order to perfectly understand what this means, we must examine how muscles grow.

Muscle grows in two ways: the amount of contractile protein inside a fiber increases, which increases muscular strength and the space taken up by that additional strand of protein is added lean body mass. This is a comparatively small amount of size, but a lot of strength. The second way that muscles grow is when satellite cells merge with real muscle cells and donate their nucleus. Satellite cells have only one nucleus. And muscle cells, unlike the other cells in the human body, have at least one nucleus, without a set ceiling to how many there can be.

Myonucleii are the parts of the cell that are responsible for protein synthesis and expression. Whenever you damage a muscle through training, the rebuilding process that ensues is accomplished mostly by the myonucleii, which make new contractile protein which is used to repair and when possible upgrade the muscle cell's ability to generate and withstand force. Moreover, the size of a muscle cell is directly proportional to its myonuclear number, i.e. the number of nucleii that the cell contains. So the maximum amount of carbohydrate, water, minerals and protein that a muscle cell can absorb and retain are all dependent on ONE thing: the myonuclear number.

Moreover, the ability to recover (and upgrade) from damage is also proportional to the myonuclear number. As such, having high myonuclear numbers should be on top of every bodybuilder's priority list. Now how do we get the satellite cells to donate their nucleii? Interestingly, it is the autocrine IGF-1 that signals adjacent satellite cells to donate their myonucleii. Autocrine IGF-1 expression happens with exercise and is proportional to many things, including the level of androgen receptor stimulation. Yes this means that one of the ways in which anabolic steroids help growth is through the added expression of autocrine IGF-1 and merging of satellite cells.

One very interesting theory of steroids is that the decreasing results from successive cycles, which have absolutely nothing to do with receptor downregulation, actually has more to do with having merged more and more of the satellite cells into the muscles and having less and less new satellite cells for merging and donation purposes.

As you guessed, exogenous IGF-1 administration fixes this splendidly by its potent stimulation of satellite cell hyperplasia. Hyperplasia pulls a lot of carbohydrate and protein from the bloodstream to make new cells. This also requires a very large amount of energy, which can be obtained from burning fats, since the energy expenditure is not extremely rapid. The low blood glucose that ensutes IGF-1 administration as well as greatly increased triglyceride metatolism on the part of the dividing myoblasts compound to generate a substantial fatloss effect.

When injected, IGF-1 floats around until it finds an IGF-1 receptor or another binding site such as the IGFBP. Of course for the usual Long R3 form that most use, the IGFBP is not a factor and the IGF molecule will just wander until it finds a receptor. Exercise upregulates the trained muscle's receptor, bringing it to the cell's surface and "opening" it for business with an IGF-1 molecule. Once IGF-1 binds to that site, it will be absorbed by the cell and metabolized. One IGF-1 molecule can only trigger one receptor. Obviously, we want to target muscle receptors, as all other cell types also have IGF-1 receptors. Skin & hair follicles, sure why not. What you want to avoid growing are bones, internal organs such as intestines, and tumors. Interestingly, the highest concentration of IGF-1 receptors are in the gut.

Thirdly, usage

This is where stuff gets somewhat debatable. Best IGF-1 treatment protocol isn't a science yet. It is nowhere close to the state of advancement that AAS use has attained, and there will be much argument as to which protocol is best. Still, I will attempt to give an objective, wide-ranging set of available options for the IGF-1 researcher.

For a good while now, it has been found that a dose of 40mcg divided in bilateral administration in the muscles trained gave good results. It has been found that after 30 to 40 days of such a protocol, results diminish and stop. From this fact has stemmed an effective protocol recommending 30-day cycles of 40mcg daily IGF-1 bilateral intramuscular administration, followed by 30 days off. This works, no doubt about it. Most users prefer cycles of 25 days on, 25 days off since the 40mcg dose will use up one miligram in a cycle. IGF-1 receptors seem to downregulate proportionally to the dosage used.

Some people have tried 80mcg with a greater immediate response. I have seen up to 200mcg daily administration and of course short-term effects are proportional to the dosage administered. Some people find that they get a better pump when injecting the IGF-1 preworkout. Others feel that IGF-1 should be something more than a simple pump product and use it postworkout in an attempt to generate as much mitosis of myoblasts as possible.

Based on the science posted above about IGF-1 biochemistry and effects, the following points stand out as a base to fashion a good IGF-1 treatment protocol. Firstly, the most important effect to be sought is myoblast mitosis, as ONLY IGF-1 can achieve this effect, arguably the single most important thing for bodybuilding. Anything else should be seen as a bonus. Secondly, you want to use just enough IGF-1 to initiate mitosis in the target muscle and avoid spillover of the peptide to systemic distribution where probability says it will grow your guts instead of your muscles. This stuff is far from free and "GH guts" are far from aesthetic. Thirdly, you want this quantity of IGF-1 to be in as small a volume of liquid as practical. Fourthly, you want to administer the IGF-1 immediately postworkout when the receptors are maximally stimulated. Any other administration timing is suboptimal.

Now because IGF-1 treated cells leech glucose from the bloodstream like crazy, it is possible to go into hypoglycemia from IGF-1 supplementation. Feed carbs steadily from the time of the injection up until about 6-8 hours afterwards or whenever glycemia stabilizes. This is effect is dose-dependent.

Fourthly, Storage

*Study conducted by Gropep

The stability of a liquid solution of LR3IGF-I was monitored for a period of two years at storage conditions of -20 C, +4 C, +22 C, and +37 C. The final concentration of LR3IGF-I was in acetic acid. At various time points, samples were taken and compared to a lyophilized control (stored at 4 C). Listed below are the stability results for each respective storage condition.
Storage Condition: -20 C (-4 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
Mobility of protein No Change up to 2 years
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

Storage Condition: +4 C (39.2 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
Mobility of protein No Change up to 2 years
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

Storage Condition: +22 C (71.6 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
Mobility of protein No Change up to 2 years
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

Storage Condition: +37 C (98.6 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 1 year
Immunological Activity No Change up to 1 year
Mobility of protein No Change up to 1 year
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 1 year

In conclusion, there is no significant difference in the potency of LR3IGF-I associated with the storage of the liquid formulation when stored at this range of temperatures. There is no evidence for loss of biological activity at any of the tested temperatures when stored as a liquid product. As you can see IGF can be quite stable for even a year at room temperature, but if you want to keep it around for a while then stick it into the fridge. So the best way to store LR3 that is suspended in BA (benzoic acid) is in the freezer. The BA won’t allow it to freeze. And if you have it suspended in AA (acetic acid), store it in the fridge.

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The truth about Peptides and what to expect

For all who have been misinformed or mislead about these cutting edge supplements, or those just getting interested, this is a must read

For all the people out there that looking for instant gratification, these may not be your supplement of choice. But for the guys that are willing to go and bust our butts in the gym day in and day out and we don't need to see an inch added our arms this week to come back and do it again next week because we know that if you keep coming back that’s where the true rewards begin.

Don't be fooled by other companies advertising steroid like effects from Peptides like MGF or IGF or any type of GH. It’s a false claim made to make sales. And its place/people like this that are ruining the peptide business. People don't see anything close to the results they got from their last cycle of AAS and immediately think they got screwed or scammed or that Peptides are junk and a waste of money. This is the fault of the seller for not informing the client.

When you do a cycle of AAS, what’s next?? PCT of course. All AAS users have the same fears at the end of each cycle. They don't want to lose their hard earned gains. The gains that came so fast and so easy, but can be lost in the blink of an eye without proper PCT. And even with good PCT it’s still hard to keep everything. Then there is the other evil. ESTROGEN!!! You are popping Anti-E's and AI's and progestin blockers that cost you a ton extra because you don’t want those bitch tits or that bloat, or the sudden fat gain. AAS = great gains, followed by anxiety. Now I'm not going to knock AAS they are a cornerstone. They give undeniable results. But at the cost of side effects, and PCT anxiety and cost. So they aren’t perfect. You spend your off time trying to maintain, let alone trying to make gains....

Now let’s look at what happens during a cycle of Peptides. Taken right with good diet and exercise just like you would for an AAS, but maybe not quite as many calories as some do on heavy cycles, you will see some small gains, some leaning out, but no where near the 20lbs of beef you put on last test/tren cycle. You might be lucky with 5lbs over the course of 6-8 weeks. But here is where it gets good. All those gains, there yours, not going anywhere, not going to suddenly start to subside, they aren’t going to result in some post cycle bloat, ***** tit formation, or fat gain. In fact your metabolism will be slightly higher from the gains. Anxiety free... no wait!!! It’s better than anxiety free; you should be just as stoked now as when you started the cycle. Because after you do a cycle of Peptides like IGF or MGF especially. The gains are going to come better after the cycle then they did before. Unlike AAS where you try to gain and then maintain.

You see steroids make the adult muscle cells (myotubules) bigger, but the bigger these cells get as we all know the harder and harder it is to make them even bigger. These myotubules are limited in size by the amount of nuclei they contain. The closer they get to being maxed the harder for them to grow and when they are maxed well that’s about it.... gains will be few and far between. Myotubules don't divide like other cells so you pretty much have as many as you’re going to have for the most part. Hyperplasia does occur but it is a very rare process. This is where some people refer to the genetics. Because your genetics determines largely your # of myotubules you have, and the hormones that regulate them.

This is where Peptides make their mark. Growth factors in short lead to an increase in the potential of the myotubules to grow because they can influence the stem cell pools of the muscle which are their for growth and repair, to fuse with the adult myotubules and increase the # of nuclei. This means they can grow more again, and grow easier. Individual mechanisms for each peptide may very, but this is the overall effect they are all going for. So after taking some Peptides you will experience better gains than before, with relatively non existent side effects, no PTC, no anxiety. These are supplements with an investment in mind, a future goal beyond the current cycle, and realistic view that real gains don't have to come in 6-12 week segments but can come all year round.

When you add all that up, the cost of Peptides is not as far overhead as you might think. It cost a lot of money to bring this caliber of products to the market. Peptides are complicated structures, not simple molecules like AAS. But if you in this business for the long hall, Peptides have extremely good benefits to offer.

article by spywizard

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Bremelanotide (PT-141)

PT-141 (Bremelanotide) is the first of a new class of drugs called melanocortin agonists being developed to treat sexual dysfunction. The mechanism of action of PT-141 (Bremelanotide) may offer significant safety and efficacy benefits over currently available products because it acts on the pathway that controls sexual function without acting directly on the vascular system. Clinical data indicates that PT-141 (Bremelanotide) may be effective in treating a broad range of patients suffering from ED. The nasal formulation of PT-141 (Bremelanotide) being developed is as convenient as oral treatments, is more patient-friendly than invasive treatments for ED, such as injections and trans-urethral pellets, and appears to result in a rapid onset of action.
About PT-141

 Bremelanotide (PT-141) was developed from Melanotan 2 (MT-II). PT-141 is a metabolite of MT-II that lacks the C-terminal amide function-stripping away tanning properties
PT-141 is the only synthetic aphrodisiac. Studies have shown Bremelanotide to be effective in treating sexual dysfunction in both men (erectile dysfunction or impotence) and women (sexual arousal disorder). Unlike Viagra and other related medications (PDE5s), PT-141 does not act upon the vascular system, but directly through the nervous system (hypothalamus) to increase desire. Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are not considered aphrodisiacs as they do not have any direct effect on the libido. However, treatment with PDE5 inhibitors and PT-141 are known to have a synergistic effect.
 Bremelanotide is a melanocortin peptide hormone. PT-141 binds to the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) in particular in the brain. Nine out of ten volunteers experienced sexual arousal in trials. The aphrodisiac effects of Bremelanotide are in a class of its own.

 Bremelanotide comes in 10mg and 2mg vial sizes. Peptides photographed at right are synthesized by the same laboratory, contain no filler and therefore the difference is visible. Freeze dried Melanotan peptides (PT-141) are very durable and stable. Most PT-141 comes in the industry standard 10mg size. The 2mg PT-141 is used more as a travel peptide or couples dose. As a lifestyle peptide, the 10mg product is a lot to consume and may offer up to 20 doses when dosing light. The PT-141 peptide reconstituted with bacteriostatic water remains potent in the fridge for months. Nasal sprays, pre-mixed PT-141, pills and loose powder are not legitimate. There are successful reports of snorting and nasal spray experiences...however they are few and far between.
 Bremelanotide, injected (subcutaneously), has a unique window of opportunity lasting six to 72 hours. In lab trials female rats exposed to PT-141 began "flirting" with male rats for sex. Postures and movements left no doubt in the male rats minds that they were in the mood. The human PT-141 date is one where the dosage precedes the activity by at least a couple hours. When the stars align, hours after the injection, ...this is your window of opportunity, enjoy.

Example- 1ml(cc) bacteriostatic water per 10mg PT-141 vial equates to a 1mg dose approximately each 10 units on a U100 insulin syringe.
 Example- 1ml(cc) bacteriostatic water per 2mg PT-141 vial equates to a 1mg dose approximately every 50 units on a U100 insulin syringe.

Recommended strategy for mixing and dosing would be to reconstitute with the volume that yields a .1ml injection.
 Example- 1ml(cc) bacteriostatic water per 10mg PT-141 vial equates to a 1mg dose approximately each 10 units on a U100 insulin syringe.
 Example- .2ml(cc) bacteriostatic water per 2mg PT-141 vial equates to a 1mg dose approximately every 10 units on a U100 insulin syringe.

 Dosing: Read as much as possible to gain clarity and align expectations. Gradually dosing increases likelihood for success without sides. A test dose of .25-.5mg on the first attempt is recommended. 1mg, give or take a quarter, is the efficacious dose which yields the most positive reports by users.
Nasal spray for women who are sniffy about sex
Robin McKie, science editor
It is the seducer's ultimate dream: a potion that will turn a woman's cold indifference into warm sexual interest. Sound improbable? Not any more. Scientists last week revealed they had successfully tested a nasal spray, PT-141, that sent 'healthy, normal women' into states of high sexual arousal.
'The crucial point about PT-141 is that it directly targets the brain's arousal centre,' said Dr Carl Spana, president of Palatin Technologies, of New Jersey. Originally uncovered through tests on rats, the drug aroused female rodents 'so quickly they started mounting males', added Spana.
Now the company hopes to market PT-141 for humans in two or three years though Spana stressed Palatin's main target was people with sexual problems: men with impotence and women with low arousal.

Given that more than 40 per cent of women suffer from 'female sexual dysfunction' - they are interested in sex but cannot reach climax - this still gives PT-141 a massive market while at the same time providing hope for a lot of unsatisfied men.
The drug could even prove to be more popular than Viagra which works by directly stimulating blood flow in sexual organs. But for many women, it is lack of libido - not physiological difficulties - that causes them problems. By contrast, PT-141 targets the brain's arousal centre and looks more likely to defrost sexual interest, says Palatin.
This point was underlined last week when Professor Raymond Rosen of New Jersey's University of Medicine and Dentistry revealed results of the first human trials of PT-141. Sixteen healthy women were given the drug and 16 were given a placebo. All were shown erotic videos, while detectors measured blood flow in their vaginas.
The women given placebos hardly reacted while those on PT-141 had pronounced increases in blood flow - results that demonstrate the drug has potential that goes well beyond its use only as a medical aid, though Spana counselled caution. 'The drug can only be administered as a nasal spray - which isn't good for seducers. You can't put it in a drink and sticking it up a girl's nose is hard to do surreptitiously, after all.
'On the other hand, related compounds could easily be made into pills one day, though I still don't think they will turn on a woman who was previously totally uninterested in a man or in having sex. She has to be halfway there already.'

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